I'm just going to go ahead and avoid McDonald's now
I had to take apart my case to get my 4090 in
I gave up trying to do the right thing now I just torrent everything and use Plex amp to steam to whatever it had worked fine for me
Probably a gila monster
Yeah that's totally valve's fault that Nintendo does not sell on pc
I'm fine with not letting them use phones while In class but they cant/won't protect our kids so I am against taking away their lifeline to the outside world
No way she is involved in the Russian election interference case and is trying to pull a tim pool
I live on a crappy golf course, our fees are $89 a month they don't provide anything, we can't have fences over 4ft the fence has to be see through, we can only choose certain colors to paint our houses we can't store trash cans outside we got a notice for a single weed there is constantly people driving around taking pictures it freaking blows we are selling and the next place will have no HOA
Another dirty cop who would have guessed
Yeah it won't take much effort for me