That one's been on my to-watch list and haven't gotten around to it yet. Any recs for the original?
I have daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly, and quarterly tasks, including both home and car maintenance. I put them on my calendar so I don't lose track. Especially when I'm traveling a lot for work, "when was the last time I washed my bedsheets?!?"
Cleaning the kitchen is the thing I keep on top of best because I want my food to be clean and safe and for cooking to be enjoyable.
Compared to some I have dated, I have some personal standards that are higher. I think I'm pretty good at recognizing that though and dialing back to a compromise when appropriate. But I also draw lines where I have to. Someone bringing their cat into the equation; they must be 100% responsible for their cat and they must take good care of it. Someone who lets litter age, or lets cat vomit sit for any period of time after discovery, or doesn't vacuum hair and litter dust up at a high frequency I find acceptable is a no. Just no. We're not compatible and that sort of mismatch does not get better with time. Even if we haven't moved in together and I'm just visiting their place, that's something that will strongly sway me towards breaking up.
I have broken up with one person due to mismatch in our cleaning expectations. It happened well before there were conversations about moving in together. Conversations leading up to it were cordial, open, and without blame. As far as breakups go, not a bad one from my perspective.
FlightAware shows their departures looking pretty typical for on-time 🤷
So will people pay to have Nicolas Cage in their dreams, or will they pay to not have him in their dreams?
Same, I associate it with incels. Wikipedia even tells me,
Proponents of "looksmaxxing" refer to simple practices as "softmaxxing", including proper hygiene, skincare, hairstyles suited to one's face shape, exercise routines, wearing fashionable clothing
Soooo, incels need a special term to make hygiene palatable to them. Uhuh.
Best: Reese's, starbursts, Skittles
Worst: Those peanut butter chews wrapped in orange or black that have a weird soft but chunky feel that reminds me of something half digested. Anything healthy. Anything not candy (stickers, pencils, etc).
Ha, I would take Necco over whoppers and sixlets any day. We should have been friends as kids; best candy trade partner ever.
Careful there, bud, you're singing the siren song of bank bailouts.
Well, he didn't assure me he was 6 foot or taller, ofc. Us ladies be wanting our 6-6-6 men.
Six feet or taller, six-pack abs, six-figure salary or GTFO.
I tag people that don't converse in good faith. So there's people who attempt to misuse the Socratic method to derail any conversation. People who are just blatantly bigoted and aren't open to other perspectives. A tag helps me from getting sucked in by an interesting question.
And there's people who aren't necessarily good faith/bad faith. Like people I suspect are just way over on the Spectrum to where they will take everything very literally and no philosophical or theoretical conversation will go anywhere with them. I don't avoid conversation with these types of people, necessarily, but I might approach conversation differently.
I once got a reddit DM from a guy offering to be my sugar daddy. All I had to do was give up family, friends, hobbies, career, move in with him and have his babies. He assured me I would want for nothing. I turned him down, but I was just a simple "yes" away from being so wealthy and happy. He was also highly complimentary of my looks, despite never seeing even a photo of me, so I know he wasn't shallow.
Edit: ok, that's all a lie. I got like 6 DMs like this. And that's when I turned direct messaging off for my reddit account.
I watched it but had no idea it was a Sandman spinoff. As in their show of Neil Gaiman's Sandman? I never would have connected the two.
The show was fine. Good concept but not fully developed. It felt rushed to tie ends together and I wondered while watching if they already knew they weren't getting another season.