I’m sure theirs are privately owned.
My wife says she wishes she could make me scream like Linux does. I told her she would if I could put it in her bash.
She leaves me alone when I’m on the computer now. It’s quiet in here.
Self hosting is actually crazy cheap compared to any kind of corporate solution. Anybody paying for SquareSpace, for instance, could cut their cost by a factor of 20 or more with a FOSS alternative like Ghost Blog.
I know my setup is over engineered a little so I pay a bit more, but my expenses are still under $100 per year for subscription services that support the self hosting.
$2.50 per month for a VPN.
$40 per year for two VPS’s (this is what I know I overpay for since I didn’t really know how much I needed when I set it up, but the time to change it is worth more to me than the extra $10 per year).
$17ish per year for a domain name.
Plex lifetime pass (around $100 one time).
And of course, ten million dollars in man hours spent learning how to use Linux.
Well that’s just rude. /s
Something something government abuse being used to forcefully take over companies, businesses driven over seas, new avenue for corruption to flourish, etc.
I think businesses should be held accountable too, but creating a superhighway to nationalize control of any business that steps out of line is a recipe for disaster. How long until politicians use that power to find justification for stealing whole corporations?
Jealousy? Debt anxiety? Guilt about something? Depression?
I almost feel like they shouldn’t have reported this one until we had some sort of answer here.
This is bad. Seed the original. People want to download what they’re expecting, and BitTorrent has tools to ban peers for sending bad data that is modified from the original.
Counter intuitively, jail can sometimes be worse conditions. People in there are often detoxing, in the middle of a mental health crisis, or simply haven’t accepted or adapted to their condition yet. That can make jail a more volatile place than prison, since people in prison are more likely to be aware that this is their life now and they had best find some sort of equilibrium.
Why do people like her always have the same kind of eyes?
I hope you can find a way to learn that works for you. No need to leave the shallow end—even if you only learn to float, then you’ve learned to survive. Good luck! You’ll get this!
Do you have a friend who knows how to swim? It isn’t difficult to teach someone the basics of swimming for survival—floating, kicking, and a basic stroke to get to the edge. I know I’d be willing to teach any friend who didn’t know how for free, and I imagine a lot of other swim capable people would feel the same since it is such a safety issue.
Why can’t it wait until you get home? We took ashtrays out of cars, so why would we put another addictive and distracting thing in there?
I play games too, but I also recognize that they can overwhelm some people.