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[–] Whoresradish@lemmy.world 8 points 8 months ago (14 children)

OP directly quoted article title. The article from Forbes uses allegedly to protect itself from a defamation lawsuit.

[–] Whoresradish@lemmy.world 20 points 9 months ago

It pisses me off that american taxpayers are paying for this shit. If Isreal wants to commit genocide so much, I don't want to fucking pay for it. See how far they get without us there backing them up.

[–] Whoresradish@lemmy.world 8 points 9 months ago (1 children)

I think this was an important quote from the article for context.

"In that moment, I was focused on our university's longstanding policies aligned with the US Constitution, which say that speech alone is not punishable," Magill said in the video. "I was not focused on, but I should have been, the irrefutable fact that a call for genocide of Jewish people is a call for some of the most terrible violence human beings can perpetrate. It's evil — plain and simple."

[–] Whoresradish@lemmy.world 3 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (1 children)

I read a few studies a while back that were able to predict if a person self identified as conservative or liberal based off of their brain patterns that were measured. I believe the the distinct areas were the right amygdala (handles instictual behaviour) and the left anterior cortex (which I think was used for intepreting how others will behave). Use of one part decreased the use of the other part. Scientist were able to successfully predict the right amygdala was associated with conservatives about 85ish% and anterior cortex for self identified liberals.

Other studies show that decreased use of the left anterior cortex is associated with childhood abuse (either physical or emotional), so it is reasonable to believe most conservatives had emotional/physical abuse during childhood that left them with an underdeveloped brain. Unfortunantly studies show there is very little that can be done to fix this deficiency once the person reaches mid to early twenties.

I guess the point is that they are not necessarily psychopaths, but they do have defective brain processes and we should improve systems and education that will help reduce childhood abuse, and teach empathy in schools if we want to reduce the quantity of right wingers.

[–] Whoresradish@lemmy.world 2 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (1 children)

Unfortunately everything I have read indicates very few experts in nuclear energy believe it could be possible in the future.

[–] Whoresradish@lemmy.world 1 points 9 months ago

Why does the guardian never link to it's shocking studies? Can anyone find this study or how it was made?

[–] Whoresradish@lemmy.world 21 points 10 months ago (1 children)

I am more offended by them saying you have to be 21 years old. If you are old enough to be drafted for the military then you should be old enough to have a firearm. Same with the right to vote.

[–] Whoresradish@lemmy.world 4 points 10 months ago

Besides my severe trust issues I am fine, life is better now that I have mostly cut them all off.

[–] Whoresradish@lemmy.world 5 points 10 months ago (2 children)

Fair enough. My conservative family is on the side of purposefully misunderstanding, but I can understand that some may just misunderstand and we should mitigate that when we can.

[–] Whoresradish@lemmy.world 5 points 10 months ago (4 children)

The right will often purposefully misrepresent whatever the left uses as a slogan. So only so much can be done there. As for the use of racial pride, I find that often those who can claim no accomplishments in themselves will often claim pride by association. They could claim pride in race, but really any group. This could be considered a defense mechanism for their own ego as they are not okay accepting their own short comings.

[–] Whoresradish@lemmy.world 3 points 10 months ago (3 children)

How is Isreal not also a "fucked up religious/fascist terrorist organization"?

You describe Isreal as happy and modern as some kind of defense, but having overwhelming military superiorty over neighbors, taking their land, and having extremely close ties with modernized western countries would cause that.

How exactly is Isreal not religious (state religion is Judaism). How is it not terroristic (you kill one of their citizens they kill 10 of your citizens and take your land)? How is it not fascist when Gaza is literally a concentration camp for 2 million people? Two wrongs don't make a right, and having bigger guns certainly doesn't make them righteous.

I wonder if the fact they aren't muslim or as brown makes them better to you?

[–] Whoresradish@lemmy.world 5 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (1 children)

With the current situation prior to the attack how much was palestine costing Israel? Gaza cannot supply itself with water, electricity, or food. Israel needs to maintain border security too. Without palestine these costs go away or at least decrease significantly. Israel has already stated they believe this attack justifies them cutting off water, electricity, and food supplies in perpetuity. This in affect will kill most of the 2 million and will cost them less political capitol than bombing the Palestinians.

So why do they want to commit genocide? Money, power, revenge, racism, and religion are the main reasons, but they vary from person to person obviously.

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