
joined 10 months ago
[–] 1 points 10 months ago

I really want to be teaching people!! So if you're interested, I can absolutely answer any questions / invite you to a (not yet planned) Zoom call I want to host to help people learn what the first steps are

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

Amazing!! Good luck with it - travel really opens up your mind to realising that you really CAN do ANYTHING you want in life. I wish you the best, I hope you start businesses while you travel if that's on your radar and I hope you get to keep travelling for as long as your heart's content.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

Look up "remote", "freelance", "part time" + your skill on / then DON'T apply via the job website, email those companies with a GREAT media deck showcasing your skills :)! If you need more help, just ask :)

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

I feel you but from a different perspective - I was born in Zimbabwe but I'm half Italian, half Irish, so I try find the fun in telling people where I was born because this is where I'm from vs my genetic makeup hahaha... It's interesting how people will just smile and nod or ask "Wait, how are you white if you come from Africa?"

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

Almost 5 years ago :')! We still have some time hahaha


When I quit my graduate 9-to-5 job in Ireland to fly across the world with a one-way ticket to India in 2019, I had no idea what I was going to do after I became a yoga instructor there - that was as far as I had planned.
I had no more savings after I spent everything on my course and no plan of work for anything beyond my time in India. I just knew that I wasn’t happy working in an office with a ridiculous corporate hierarchy where you weren’t “allowed to” talk to “level 6s & 7s” 😂. Unreal that those in the corporate world are still so overt about inequality - and that people truly believe that your salary is your worth…? How is this still normality?
I needed to get out of there. I honestly didn’t even know if I wanted to really teach yoga as a living - I just enjoyed it for myself so chasing that happiness is what made the most sense to me. And knowing that I had that to look forward to, got me through the final months of not feeling like I belonged there.
The journey that I have been on couldn’t have been dreamed up. When you choose to quit your 9-5, you are choosing to work 24/7. I was pushed out of my comfort zone, but I really believe that’s the only way you ever learn to grow.
I knew I wanted to continue this lifestyle, so I jumped into everything I THOUGHT I COULD POTENTIALLY do... to try figure out how to work online.

When I was 14 years old, I started a French Twitter account teaching French while I was teaching myself French and I gained 24,000 followers there. I never realised how valuable this following was until I was desperate to work online and used that database to promote one-to-one lessons... At the same time, I got an online job teaching kids different subjects, and then from that I just grew my client tutor base. I did this for a year or so before I branched into digital marketing. Now I have my own social media management / digital marketing consultancy agency and I support my parents by having hired them so they can travel and work too.

I'm thinking my next step is to teach people - so if anyone has any questions to learn how to do this, please ask me and I'll respond - but also add them to my teaching course. My dream is to teach people to do what I have done for myself - learn how to work online from scratch, without any prior skills or budget.

There's way more to this story, but coincidentally, I should really be working right now hahaha ! That's one thing you need to learn on this journey - self-discipline!