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[–] abhibeckert@lemmy.world 2 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (1 children)

Not sure about jellyfin, but I assume it uses ffmpeg? The M1 is fast enough that ffmpeg can re-encode raw video footage from a high end camera (talking file sizes in the 10s of gigabyte range) an order of magnitude faster than realtime.

That would be about 20W. Apparently it uses 5W while idle — which is low compared to an Intel CPU but actually surprisingly high.

Power consumption on my M1 laptop averages at about 2.5 watts with active use based on the battery size and how long it lasts on a charge and that includes the screen. Apple hasn't optimised the Mac Mini for energy efficiency (though it is naturally pretty efficient).

TLDR if you really want the most energy efficient Mac, get a secondhand M1 MacBook Air. Or even better, consider an iPhone with Linux in a virtual machine - https://getutm.app/ - though I'm not sure how optimsied ffmpeg will be in that environment... the processor is certainly capable of encoding video quickly, it's a camera so it has to be able to encode video well.

[–] abhibeckert@lemmy.world 3 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

This. My Mac has 16GB but I use half of it with a Linux virtual machine, since I use my Mac to write Linux (server) software.

I don't need to do that - I could totally run that software directly on my Mac, but I like having a dev environment where I can just delete it all and start over without affecting my main OS. I could totally work effectively with 8GB. Also I don't need to give the Linux VM less memory, all my production servers have way less than that. But I don't need to - because 8GB for the host is more than enough.

Obviously it depends what software you're running, but editing text, compiling code, and browsing the web... it doesn't use that much. And the AI code completion system I use needs terabytes of RAM. Hard to believe Apple's one that runs locally will be anywhere near as good.

[–] abhibeckert@lemmy.world 10 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

You don't need metaphors. It's pretty simple.

The Spotify app should have a button that takes you to their website, where you can sign up for a premium subscription.

It doesn't have one because Apple would kick Spotify out of the App Store.

Also - all other links to the Spotify website (support, terms of service, privacy policy, etc) take you to pages where the main navigation of the website has been removed so that you can't find the signup page. Because again, Apple bans that. For the longest time apps have not allowed to have any way for users to find a signup form on a website.

That policy is now illegal in the EU (and a growing list of other countries) and Apple's attempt at compliance is a new API - only available in Europe - that informs the user that they might be a victim of theft, fraud, etc before they get taken to a website that is deliberately sandboxed... supposedly to prevent theft/fraud/etc but more likely because it makes it really difficult for Spotify to link that signup with an existing free account.

Oh and if Spotify opts to expose users to see that horror show... they'd have to pay tens of millions of dollars per year to Apple. They have so far refused to do so, meaning the new regulations have failed (well, they were failing, until the EU declared Apple's compliance efforts insufficient).

[–] abhibeckert@lemmy.world 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

near ChatGPT4 performance locally, on an iPhone

Last I checked, iPhones don't have terabytes of RAM. Nothing that runs on a small battery powered device is ever going to be in the ballpark of ChatGPT. At least not in the foreseeable future.

[–] abhibeckert@lemmy.world 11 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (3 children)

First of all, you're implying it runs latest Windows - but Windows 11 shipped a few years ago.

Second - not really a fair comparison. 18 years ago the iPhone didn't even exist. And the oldest model (17 years old) had really weak hardware. 4GB of storage, 128MB of RAM, and the CPU was an order of magnitude slower than current spec CPUs (it was also 32 bit - and 64 bit ARM is a completely new architecture - similar to the failed Itanium).

Even if it was supported, it would be a horrible experience.

[–] abhibeckert@lemmy.world 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

Apple was advertising that these devices would be refurbished when they were sending them out to be destroyed

When did Apple claim that? Sure if you send them a one year old phone, they will refurbish it (they will also pay you several hundred dollars to take the device off your hands). But they've never refurbished several year old models. Those have always been recycled (destroyed) regardless of what condition they are in.

[–] abhibeckert@lemmy.world 6 points 3 months ago

does anyone know if there’s any actual data that shows personal disability information being recorded/collected?

That's basically the crux of the case right? The law is pretty clear, Google can't collect that data (or at least, if they do, then they'd have to comply with a long list of privacy regulations that I'm pretty sure they don't comply with).

[–] abhibeckert@lemmy.world 20 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

Um, did they actually do something impressive or is it just a really big gas tank?

I'm struggling to imagine why anyone would even want 1,300 miles of range in a PHEV. Surely it'd be better to have a smaller tank and more space inside the vehicle.

[–] abhibeckert@lemmy.world 1 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (3 children)

CCP has been claiming it for a while

"A while" as in about 400 years — that's when China took over Taiwan.

After World War II, there was a power struggle between the Republic of China (backed by the USA) and the Chinese Communist Party (backed by Russia).

The ROC/US controlled pretty much all of China, but then the US withdrew support and simultaneously granted concessions to Japan (as part of the peace deal between Japan and the US) and the CCP/Russia took advantage. The resulting civil war "ended" with the ROC having control of Taiwan, and the CCP controlling all of the rest of China.

But that civil war never really ended - it merely cooled down and became non-military conflict.

[–] abhibeckert@lemmy.world 17 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (4 children)

AFAIK the optics have to be regularly cleaned, calibrated and replaced. And by regularly, I mean daily/weekly for some of that.

The process is a carefully guarded trade secret and intentionally difficult. The companies that own the machines are not allowed to have employees who are trained in the process. When you buy those machines it comes with a service contract from the manufacturer. And the manufacturer is ASML - a Dutch company.

[–] abhibeckert@lemmy.world 4 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Sure, but the vast majority of Mac software at the time, including loads of first applications from Apple, couldn't run on Tiger. You had to run it in the "Classic" environment - and they never ported that to Intel.

Tiger shipped just 4 years after the MacOS 9.2 and plenty of people hadn't switched to MacOS X yet.

The reality is Apple only brings things forward when they can do it easily.

Apple has done eight major CPU transitions in the last 40 years (mix of architecture and bit length changes) and a single team worked on every single transition. Also, Apple co-founded the ARM processor before they did the first transition. It's safe to assume the team that did all those transitions was also well aware of and involved in ARM for as long as the architecture has existed.

[–] abhibeckert@lemmy.world 3 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Apple has the target disk mode, but doesn’t the laptop need to be shut down for it to work?

Modern Macs can't do Target Disk Mode. If you had the right cables (thunderbolt or firewire) it was really fast, just as quick as a high end internal PCIe SSD.

And yes, you did need to reboot - because the other computer had full arbitrary read/write access to the raw sectors on the drive with no safety checks or security. If you did that while the computer was running normally, you'd corrupt the data on the disk as soon as they both tried to do a write operation at the same time — and also TDM needed to be used with caution - the other computer could easily install a rootkit or steal all your saved passwords.

It's been replaced with "Mac Sharing Mode" which operates while the Mac is running normally, does have all the necessary algorithms in place to avoid corrupting the disk, full security to authenticate each read/write operation and block attempts to mess with system files, and therefore is orders of magnitude slower than TDM.

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