
joined 3 years ago
[–] 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Not as much as the residents actually. The longest I've ever had to work was 16 hours, but most jobs I've worked 12 is the max required in a row. Residents often work 24-72 hour shifts where they can be woken up by a page at any time.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Also scribus can be extremely clunky if you need to make flyers inkscape may be easier.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

Honestly I'd settle for making sure the doctors hand off q12h. They often work 48 hour shifts with even more disastrous possibilities.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago (2 children)

12s do make sense in Healthcare where every handoff is an opportunity to miss important information. For instance if you forget to mention all the specifics of all your patients injuries after a car wreck, the next nurse might not realize their sinuses are cracked and just go ahead and insert that nasogastric feeding tube into their brain.

3 handoffs a day instead of 2 is 1.5 as many chances to make an error like that.

That said, 2x12s a week instead of 3 sounds lovely.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

This is my favorite part about racists worrying about white people becoming a minority. It's only because they don't consider mixed kids as their progeny. Your "white" genes aren't being murdered by "black" genes inside your grandaughter. They're both just kinda in there and that's fine.


If this turns out to be good I'm gonna keep it in my back pocket for the next time I have a psych patient who really likes to creatively write (...and is also not actively detached from reality LOL)

Roll a 6-sided die 12 times

This is the pixelfed album.

This is the google sheet (idk how else to make a set of 6 tables vision-impairment friendly)

  • What's your theme?
  • What's your plot?
  • Who's your hero?
  • Who's your villain?
  • Who's your side character?
  • What's your wild card?
  • ...what're you doing with it?

I told chat GPT to give me some prompts to help people with emotional processing/expression, and to get pretty weird/quirky, so some of them are kinda out there. I want that weird, stimulating creativity, but I'd like some help filtering out undesirable content/general bad vibes. Some of them also get a little trite, repetitive, or even just nonsensical, so it helps to filter those out as well.

There's a lot of them, but I told it to shuffle them for every person, so even if you just rate the first five or so it gives you it should help. My end goal is to narrow down to about 1/4 - 1/2 of each, so if you rate however many you do at about an 1/3 bad, 1/3 ok, and 1/3 good, I should eventually get a pretty solid list.

There's so many because I'm thinking about offering a daily challenge of one of each, and I want there to be almost no chance a patient will see the same one twice (I just feel like that would be really disheartening for someone stuck inpatient for a long time).

Feel free to share this around in any creative or mental health circles you run in!

[–] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

The ideal storage temperature should be on the bottle but you should also be able to look it up. Lots of things can cause lots of medications to degrade aside from just time, including temperature, moisture, and light (particularly UV). For instance, you're not supposed to keep most medications in the bathroom even though they often call that a "medicine cabinet" because many people take hot, steamy showers, and both moisture and heat can degrade medications. An NIH paper titled "Medication Storage Appropriateness in US Households" states for Adderall: "Extended-release capsules: Store at 25°C (77°F); excursions permitted to 15°C to 30°C (59°F to 86°F); protect from light." (So don't keep it on the windowsill next to your bed either).

If you're worried about variances in specific binding agents or other parts of the formulation that could vary by manufacturer, call the pharmacy. Ask to speak to the pharmacist on duty about the ideal storage conditions, because they know all kinds of weird shit about the specific ingredients and how to store them (one time I called to ask if there was sorbitol in the liquid medication I was giving a patient because it could explain their diarrhea). It's also possible, like you mentioned, that you just have some bizarre genetic mutation that makes some normally inert binding or coloring agent interact weirdly with the active ingredient and/or you (the pharmacist wouldn't be able to figure you being a freak of nature out, but they could try to make sure you don't get meds from that manufacturer again).

My personal recommendation as a person who went through nursing school (they're very worried about substance abuse and trafficking) with ADHD meds, is that you save your last medication bottle when you empty it. Keep exactly one pill in it in your bag as a backup for emergencies. The bottle will have your name and birthday and what the pills are so you're covered for carrying a controlled substance, but you won't be carrying all your meds around at once to spoil in the heat. As for taking them with food, try keeping some saltines or water crackers around and take 2-4 with the pill to avoid stomach upset.

  • (Also) make sure the bottle matches the pills - most medication bottles (and controlled substance ones specifically) specify what the contents should actually look like and the numbers they should be stamped with so some little shit can't replace granny's hip replacement painkillers with vitamins, and an addict can't carry pills they're not supposed to have in a bottle for blood pressure pills or something. You mentioned the pills changed, so keep the next bottle that matches the new ones.
submitted 3 years ago* (last edited 3 years ago) by to c/

I think it's specifically but I don't know for sure? Anyone have a good workaround?

EDIT: Thanks to everyone who suggested Lemmur! Had no idea it existed but I've got it installed now!