You can actually just enter "a" for username & password, don't even have to make it look like an email
I'm not sure it's needed, but certainly would be nice. Most applications for a pi are just fine on a high performance SD card
Personally I'm not sure yet. Sounds like its gotten a very much needed performance boost but those drawbacks are certainly disappointing.
No fucking way they stuck with mini HDMI I swear to God. The only thing I wanted from a new gen was an HDMI port designed to actually be used
And they kept the same WiFi / Bluetooth chip, known for being completely unstable and recommended to be supplemented for almost any project
Since net neutrality was repealed Comcast hasn't let me torrent anything faster than a few hundred kbps, even on Linux ISOs. I had to get a VPN just for that.
They're gonna "drop (at least) 01" after the first season like always.
Disable 2g by default ??? Profit?
I'm not sure what's so hard about this, I get that 2g goes further for emergencies but it's basically useless for anything else, have it be enabled if needed (and communicate that with users when first disabling it)
Google Apple and Samsung are all working on / have satellite SOS, which should replace the long term need here
Older chip doesn't have a 3.0 controller. While disappointing, not really an artificial limit
(Android fan btw)
It's one thing to awkwardly laugh at trauma. That's not anywhere close to what this guy did. Watch the video.
I'd bet that you've got a 10/100 adapter and not a 10/100/1000 adapter. Manufacturer saves a buck but they're not very useful anymore. Try it in a laptop and see what you get
There's a guy that throws his trash out the window on TikTok. If it makes it in the can it's a good week and if he misses it's a bad week. Calls it the garboscope. My point here is that you can at least skip the stairs