
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 11 months ago

Thanks but unfortunately this is not a probe cal problem. Note that the issue is seen even in a 50Ohm environment, no probes.

[–] 2 points 11 months ago

Thanks for taking a look! SG is set to 50Ohm output, cable is 50Ohm, terminated "through" 50Ohm at scope end. Also, SG output looks normal on a different scope (same cable/terminator arrangement). Not sure what else I could do to match the impedance here.



I've asked Siglent support but after a couple of responses the thread went cold. Maybe I'm being dumb but I've noticed that there's a frequency (low, around 100Hz) where scope response changes a bit. Below and above it square input looks square. Right about it square input looks slanted.

I tried to do a very slow "sweep" and there's small but visible change in the envelope. So, e.g. with a constant 600mV p2p input lower frequencies measure exactly that while higher ones measure 612mV, so ~2% diff.

Terminated 50Ohm cables (not that it matters at such a low freq) to be sure. Latest firmware, after full self-cal. Siggen itself seems allright, I have an ancient Tek scope and the siggen output looks Ok there with same input/same cables. Scope seems happy and fully functional otherwise, few years old though, out of warranty.

Has anyone else seen anything like that? Is this a normal behavior within the expected margin of error?


[–] 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I'd try deoxit first. If that fails, one pin at a time is a lot of work but doable