
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 1 year ago (3 children)

This is great and shows the whole picture better. I’ve seen people concerned about the drop off in daily users, but a look at the posts and comments per day seems encouraging!

I’m of the mindset, like others, that this place doesn’t need to be Reddit-big to be good, and in fact would be better off not that big. However I would definitely like to see smaller communities grow and see more posts and post variety overall, which more numbers will obviously help.

[–] 6 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Not an expert here, but I think you’re looking at this particular example backwards. Evolution isn’t a “smart” process that picks and chooses favorable traits, it’s more simply “this animal with these traits was able to survive and mate, so these traits get passed on”

So start with what was before the dinosaurs, to my recollection that would be some kind of amphibian, living in both water and land. Probably has four equal-length limbs and walks on all fours.

Whatever exactly happened between A and B idk, but eventually you get to the dinosaurs that walked on two legs. And that there is the answer. They used their legs more, their arms became less important to their survival techniques, and so over time they shrunk.

Survival for those guys was “run fast + big jaws and sharp teeth”. Long tails for balance while running, not much use for the arms. They didn’t shrink because it was an evolutionary advantage, they shrunk because they weren’t doing the heavy lifting. Terrible pun intended.


I’m using the Test Flight beta app, curious on others’ overall experience with the platform so far. I never had an Instagram account so I’m not really sure yet what I even want from it. I’m just excited on all things Fediverse and I’m happy to be part of the growing numbers.

Any tips for content discovery? Seemed like that was the limiting factor off the bat, I like to start new platforms with the equivalent of a trending or all, didn’t seem to have that here.

Happy to take links for your favorite users that deserve a follow!

[–] 32 points 1 year ago (5 children)

This research only says that the glasses are probably unhelpful. As far as I know it’s still accepted that blue light is stimulating and can mess with sleep, cause headaches, etc.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

In addition to what others have said, I think a lot of people would agree that their 20s were the most difficult time in their lives. It’s a stark contrast from your life leading up to it, where everything from nap time to senior prom has been planned out for you, your job is simply to attend. Around your age this changes and you’re “given the keys” and have much more freedom to choose your path. (This is very much an oversimplification and does not apply to everyone)

This will sound kinda strange but for most people, at ~20 you still haven’t really settled into the person you will be for the rest of your life. Your brain is still developing and changing. It’s a time for turbulence and self-reflection for many, and I absolutely would not take your current outlook as “this is it.” You still have a lot to learn about yourself and the world, and I mean that in the best way.

It does sound like you could be overtaxing yourself, but others have covered that already. Try not to take things too seriously, and make sure to stop and smell the roses. We’ve heard that so many times that it’s easy to overlook what an amazing piece of advice it is. All of the happiest people I know are the types that do literally, and figuratively, stop to smell the roses.

[–] 18 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (3 children)

This is how Lemmy should be, with the majority of the content being hosted on themed instances. Easy to browse if you want to focus on something, otherwise use or other “catch all” instances if you want a more /all experience. and shouldn’t host well over half the content I see. Easy targets for DDOS and then their users are screwed AND their hosted content stops federating.

Spread out is the way to go, it’s the whole point of the fediverse. seems like a name that could catch on. I’m sure if it became a prominent art community on Lemmy people would donate to support the upkeep.

[–] 6 points 1 year ago

None of this applies to the average user though.

The vast majority of devices sold come with Windows or MacOS, so you’re suggesting that the average Joe should wipe their drive, pick a distro, and self-install and maintain a new operating system.

You and I know that it’s not as difficult as it sounds, but that’s asking a lot from people who can’t even bother to reboot their system when there’s been an update pending for 10 days.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

You’re right that even among the republican base, abortion rights area slightly majority accepted, except in the case of the far right and religious extremists. I don’t really think the republicans in office care about religion at all, I think they care about money.

The only thing then that makes any sense to me is that declining population growth is seen by some as an existential threat to capitalism and their way of life. Removing abortion rights means more population. They don’t care if that population is going to struggle with a difficult life, they only need them to work in the factories and serve them hamburgers anyway.

It’s a bit conspiracy-like, but I struggle to come up with other explanations for this. I don’t accept that they’re doing it because of their strong religious values 🙄

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

Really good read, idk what the downvotes are about.

[–] 16 points 1 year ago (1 children)

You can’t paint such huge populations with a single paint brush, and even saying “generally” doesn’t cover your complete lack of empathy. Many or even most of those 16 million made choices that they thought were right at the time and tried to live good lives. You think these are the people that emptied pensions and raised prices and drilled the oil despite scientific warnings?

Sure, statically some of them did. But most of them did not. Most of them worked hard, harder than our generation, and provided for their families.

Having that much hostility for an entire population is no way to live your life.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Anybody see last night’s new episode? Lmao.

No spoilers- it was a strange one and at first I was unsure how I felt about it, but they won me over with the brief Klingon bit.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

Copy that, thank you!

I spun up Ubuntu on a Linode so it should be up all the time. I check the Linode dash fairly often and haven’t seen any issues with it.


I’m hosting my own Lemmy instance and so far everything has been pretty smooth. However I’m noticing some issues with specific instances, communities, or comments not showing up through my own instance.

I had added instances to the allow list initially but I cleared those so that it’s wide open now. I have an account on and I use that periodically to compare feeds, and like I said sometimes a post or comment is missing, actually I often see a comment that looks like it’s responding to a another comment, but I cannot see the parent comment.

Initially I took my admin account and subscribed to all of the most popular communities I could find, but that seems to have left some holes.

Is there a way to force federation with more Lemmy instances?

Thank you for any direction you can provide.

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