One small problem: You're getting your porn from porn instances but the top content there is fully clothed female celebrity photos. So your feed is just SFW pictures of celebrity actresses.
Fixing grub and fstab makes it very newbie friendly compared to other methods.
(makes a reply video of your video, I add THIS and point up at your face)
I personally like the Clonezilla and the dd command answers. Timeshift is also a way. Don't forget to update /etc/fstab with new UUIDs.
Why is YouTube so TOXIC?? 🤔
see? I did the clickbaity thing too
My brain silently groaned "Ugh, I need more coffee to process something like this so early! Body, take me to the coffee."
I feel this is an answer to the question.
Most people don't know about Linux, don't know how to install it, and don't know why they should even bother to switch.
I'm convinced my Mom wouldn't be able to tell the difference between Windows 10 and Debian with a Win10 theme.
When/if you can, buy a copy. The dev team is small and released a quality game.
My desktop "breathes" in RGB so it sounds perfect for me. Plug me into the Matrix.
Zorin OS (based off Ubuntu) recently released a wizard to upgrade the OS between major releases. I've not tried it yet.
Ubuntu is pretty solid. If you don't like the looks, there are plenty of Debian-based distros that look different.