For a second I thought you were talking about our favorite high-traffic poster, who is now queue flooding 15 articles a day.
This posting behavior is pretty unlike anyone I have interacted with in 15 years of forum posting. You’re very special, OP.
They need to be able to post lists of links as “proof” they are acting in good faith! So they need to generate that content. See replies in this very post.
Try Scala. It has all the functional goodness, all the OOP goodness, all the imperative goodness, clean syntax like python or like typescript, really well thought out libraries like ZIO, Akka, Tapir, Caliban and access to all Java libraries. Very mature runtime with best-in-class high performance concurrent GC and a green thread implementation that can handle 10s of millions of concurrent operations.
This is 12 posts today from this poster. Getting kind of spammy.
Do they know that’s in Congress’s hands?
Depends on the implementation, some require all candidates be placed.
funny that with instant runoff voting, your vote would go to a larger party as soon as your fringe candidate got eliminated.
Yeah let’s not forget the Common Lisp Object System (CLOS) which was more full-featured of an object-oriented language than most “current” languages.
The dynamism allowed both Smalltalk and CLOS to avoid a dark corner that will confound your typical OOP’er today - the circle/ellipse modeling problem; they allow an object to “become” a different type on its own accord. Take that, Java!
He defines “violence” as having to work for a wage.
too bad they are so unpopular and incompetent! Only 20% of the way there!
FYI the JVM’s GC is concurrent and doesn’t freeze.