
joined 1 year ago
[–] 0 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Right, and last I checked people weren't remote working too much before the 21st century.

If your job doesn't want to train you properly that's on them, but assuming all parties involved are acting in good faith I will always go to the office to train a junior employee.

[–] 0 points 5 months ago (3 children)

I work 80 % remotely, I know what I'm talking about. MS Teams is by far the worst latency-wise, but even on the best software you can't get over the fact that there will be a 200-300 ms jitter buffer.

Ever had the "yeah I- so we - OK go ahea- sorry -"? That's what I'm talking about.

Good on your daughter if she learns well remotely, but literally everyone I've talked to who was in education during COVID had an awful experience. Although I suppose in the school system it doesn't matter as much since with 20-600 students per teacher there's not much back-and-forth going on anyway.

Remote work is great for focusing, it's great for async workflows (slack/discord/email/jira), it's great for solo work, but it's just plain inferior for certain highly collaborative workflows like 1-on-1 teaching. There's enough good reasons to work remotely that we don't have to lie about the rest.

[–] 4 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Capitalism is a system that sustains itself even if literally everyone knows how evil it is. This is part of the fundamental conceit.

Capitalists literally have nothing to gain by "hiding" some truths, as if the masses were living with a veil in front of their eyes that one can just pull back to radicalize them. We were all there in 2008. We all saw behind the curtain. Literally nothing fundamentally changed and no movie is going to come close to having that cultural impact.

Also capitalists aren't any less prone to the tragedy of the commons than any other group of people. One corporation would end capitalism next quarter if they believed it would make them richer this quarter.

The truth is much simpler than any conspiracy theory: Hollywood is largely systematically incapable of competent social commentary. There are occasional brilliant exceptions, but rampant nepotism, incompetent corporate meddling, and a strong history/culture of "character stories" means that Hollywood doesn't know how to make a story about anything other than a character story.

Anyway if the topic interests you here's a one hour essay on how Apple failed to adapt Foundation, with a truly masterful ending on an anticapitalist message.

[–] 42 points 5 months ago (9 children)

Because Paris is its own jurisdiction.

Paris' mayor, Anne Hidalgo, is incredibly unpopular in the rest of the Parisian Metropolitan Area (whose government is right-wing under Valérie Pécresse). Much of these areas are still car-dependent beyond belief with bad-to-awful public transit, meaning they are progressively getting cut-off from car-hostile Paris. Paris is completely unaffordable to live in, so it is normal for the working class to have a 1h+ commute into Paris.

This understandably breeds resentment from most people who have never heard of the term "induced demand" or think that the lack of rail transit it Hidalgo's fault.

[–] 1 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Electron has other drawbacks than performance as well.

The big one for me is that my workflow is based on vim, where you split tabs into buffers. There is no way to split a tab into windows in VSCode. Only windows into tabs, which is super dumb and annoying because related files are never shown together unless you click a bunch of tabs. Apparently the reasoning for this insane behavior is "yeah well electron is based on chromium so tough luck we can't do shit".

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

The pieces are all there (STT, TTS, and the wyoming protocol), and hassio has made voice the number one priority this year, so I would assume hardware voice support is high on the priority list. Fingers crossed!