
joined 10 months ago
[โ€“] 1 points 10 months ago

Just took the penguin off my flair ๐Ÿ˜ญ

[โ€“] 1 points 10 months ago (1 children)

I'd definitely suggest going for a distro running a more recent kernel. I got Arch up and running easily enough with the archinstall script.

Fedora worked like "a charm" too. Probably the best Linux experience 'out-of-the-box' for sure.

Hate to say it, but the actual best distro to run on your AMD FW13 might be WSL though LOL. At least for right now, depending on your moral compass and your tolerance for wonkiness.

AMD driver support on Linux seemed a bit lackluster. I also think even Richard Stallman would have a tough time getting similar battery life right now.

I ended up ditching my principals and slapping Win 11 on it for more confidence-inducing GPU drivers and to cure its insomnia. Licensed through a legitimate source, of course.

Okay, I'm ready for my downvotes lol.

[โ€“] 1 points 10 months ago

Highly recommend getting yourself Retroarch, then hitting the ole Internet Archive.

You'll need a controller probably but Celeste is a god-tier platformer with an awesome vibe that will run on basically anything.


I want to preface this with a few things:

1: This post is not intended to be antagonistic or "rage-bait." I am purposely not attaching photos or video directly with visible thumbnails. They will be provided in links below. (all private or unlisted.) The reason I am posting here is because I was unable to find a section for customer feedback on the Framework website or on their community forums.

2: I'm not a "Framework Karen." I haven't written any manifestos regarding the price/performance ratio of the FW16 compared to a Lenovo Legion gaming laptop, or anything similar on this subreddit. I genuinely admire both the Framework vision and the design of their products. I have also been consistently polite in my interactions with their support staff.

3: I am moderately competent when it comes to working on my own hardware. I'm no micro-soldering savant, but I have taken apart and repaired/upgraded both my current laptop and Steam Deck extensively with no "CID." (customer induced damage.)

I received my AMD FW13 DIY on 11/20 (batch 5) and it took considerable damage during shipping. The box had badly crushed corners and edges, torn tape, and a puncture wound. (Photos) The input cover and chassis took damage to the point where opening/closing the laptop results in a nasty popping sound. (Video)

Unfortunately, in OP's humble opinion, Framework didn't use packaging that was adequate in ensuring the safety of the hardware during shipping. There was no high-density foam, or bubble-wrap. The components were packaged in lightweight cardboard boxes, with some stronger recycled cardboard pieces to hold everything in place. (I understand their goal of sustainability, and am not trying to get into a big discussion on sustainability vs. product safety.)

I reached out to support and made an RMA ticket. It took three days and me resubmitting the ticket, but to their credit they did get back to me before they went on Thanksgiving break for two days. I know they are swamped, not the end of the world. They are also sending me a replacement unit.

My issue is the timing. I am now a Batch 10 preorder, effectively as if I had just placed my order today. From what I can see, they aren't expediting getting me a replacement unit whatsoever. I ordered my unit in August, not today. I'm not out a $100 deposit, I'm out the full $1,350. It has gone from me being excited to get my laptop days before my birthday, to me feeling like I'll be lucky if I get it before Christmas.

It's the difference between me feeling like "I got unlucky, but am being taken care of" vs. "I got unlucky, and now have to deal with a vastly worse than typical customer experience." I am concerned that they don't have inventory set aside to handle incidents like this. I'm a fanboy, and can't say I'm a happy customer. If I was the average laptop-enjoyer, I'd be livid. The preorder wait is a tough pill to swallow.

It's supposed to be: Preorder > $100 > Wait Forever > Pay for Laptop > Get sent laptop.

It's not supposed to be: Preorder > $100 > Wait forever > Pay for Laptop > Get sent laptop > Existential Dread > Preorder > $0 > Wait forever> Get sent laptop > Repackage busted laptop > Drive to Fedex shipping center.

Any thoughts? What would you do in this situation? Am I in reality a Framework Karen by posting this? Should I reply to support and push back? Idk. Open to any feedback, just please don't be rude to me or FW staff.

Happy Thanksgiving, if that's your thing.

[โ€“] 1 points 10 months ago

To be honest part of me wishes I had, given the state my DIY kit arrived in yesterday.

Then I realized it's pretty shitty that I even have to think like that. DIY is a core part of the reason the laptop is special IMO. It's a major part of why I was willing to wait 3 months to receive a laptop to begin with.

I wasn't a fan of seeing them make a point to say that the prebuilt model is safer in shipping. Like I get it, but as someone who actually purchased and waited for a DIY kit, I want to hear more details about the way they are improving packaging, and I want to hear a clear message about how support is going to be handled. I don't want to feel stupid for not opting for the more expensive option.

I submitted a ticket yesterday, got an almost immediate response saying that it was unacceptable and that someone would reach out to me soon. It has been 26 hours since then. Getting the feeling that with Thanksgiving it will be multiple days before this RMA process even gets started.

[โ€“] 1 points 10 months ago

Damn, you got a Ravework13!!!

Feature, not a bug.

[โ€“] 1 points 10 months ago

First time using a non-Mac trackpad or something?

This made me chuckle, because it reminded of when I got my first Windows laptop a couple years ago coming from Mac. Mid-range MSI gaming laptop, 99% of the budget was sunk into CPU+GPU. I RMA'ed it thinking I had a defective trackpad, got the replacement and realized that nope, they just suck as a feature.


And should be nearly impossible near the top.

I get what you're saying, but I wouldn't go that far. Just because something has been done the same way for 20 years doesn't mean that's the way it should be. The gap in quality between Apple trackpads and... literally everything else is embarrassing for the industry, and should be complained about IMO.