I would look into aruba vps; i remember it being decent; but dont take my word for it.
I didn't know they existed and now i want one. Summers here are brutal.
For rpi images i think the best option would be PINN; but it's not a 1:1 equivalent since every time you add an image it needs to wipe partitions and start from zero.
Feel you m8, where i live we are stuck for the most part with 10Mbit/s at most, an that's the high end stuff.
This reminds me of that copy pasta about having an old printer and a gun in case it does something unexpected; can't remember the exact words though.
In all honesty i don't mind daylight savings, since most of the clocks i have that i need to change the time manually are imprecise enough that by the time i need to change the clock they have shifted by a decent amount.
Tldr: for me it also acts as a remider to set my clocks in sync again since they tend to get out of whack after a while.
If i remember correctly micog should be able to give most of the functionality of gsf, but i've never installed it, so you may need to check it's documentation before doing anything with it.
I think they are a good thing, since in general you get better compatibility with more esotheric hardware, for example i've seen people run godot games on raspberry pi boards, which is pretty nice; also as you mentioned doom and 0 A.D., both of them have prolific modding communities because it's easy to make mods when you have the source of the game, and in the case of doom in particular the fact that it's open source allowed people to build lauchers to make it run on newer computers without needing dosbox and co. To even have a chance to play.
Since for the most part i still suck at programming; i help translating programs in my main language since i needed to learn english for my job regardless.
Yep, thats what i was trying to find, i already knew that cardongle was a scam, that's why i never bought it when people started talking about it. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna see if i can purge the bloatware/spyware from one of these guys since they tend to be pretty bad when it comes to this
Thanks for the info mate.
Yeah the problem is that i'm not sure what to search for, since everything i tried so far only brings up the wireless android auto adaptors
Why does this look like when i first iterate a pcb and need to bodge the hell out of it to make it work.