
joined 1 year ago
[–] 12 points 8 months ago

Quino was a philosopher in disguise. Most of his cartoons reflect reality in such a funny and crude way.

[–] 3 points 9 months ago

Oh... believe me, me too.

[–] 3 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Well... Actually, they are. They were poor money lenders, and gave money to the neighbourhood junkie, expecting he would not buy crack. It is Argentina's fault to be in the position it is, but it's also the money lenders' to enable it.

[–] 4 points 9 months ago (1 children)

I do expect that. I expect teachers to be very well compensated. You are talking about educating future generations and the sustainability of the country. Not about selling microwaves (nothing against it, it's just that I consider teachers to be as important to society as firefighters and healthcare workers).

[–] 5 points 10 months ago

Wait, are you telling me I shouldn't keep throwing these anvils to that damned roadrunner? Because I frigging despise him.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago

Have a big population, season it abundantly with poverty and low social mobility, add a dash of ignorance and low education, et voilà! A magic cauldron where this and other horrific shit happen on a daily basis (if not hourly).

[–] 8 points 1 year ago

It doesn't make sense because it's some conspiracy theory level bullshit. It would imply that big CEOs or board members either:

  • Possess a big percentage of the current real estate properties (and I mean, huge, like 50%)
  • Big part of their assets are in real estate (again, more than 30%)

And, that of course, they are all colluding. Meaning, there is a kind of Illuminati kind of society of all the CEOs that get together with pie charts and excels to see how to maximize their profits.

It's a delusion that people with a low grasp of reality are using to cope with the fact that:

  • Economy is shit
  • There are people that, because of connection and money, are unscathed by the economic shitinnes we live in
  • Because the economy is shit, companies are grasping to get out of red numbers
  • Because we have had mediocre to sheerly bad managers in almost every industry for most of the last three decades thanks to some economic bonanzas, the only way they see they can improve the margins is by doing stupid things like back to office

I like Hanlon's razor for these cases: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. I this, I feel, is indeed that.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (4 children)

Pining it on a gender or any other human characteristic that you cannot control is as stupid as it can get.

  • Raping is caused by men
  • Sodomy is caused by gay people
  • Murders are caused by black people
  • The economy is shit because of Jews (Godwin in 2)

And then the positive ones:

  • Women are better for handling money
  • Asians are better at math
  • Black people are faster

I would love to go on and on with this. But as you can see, it's a fallacy that will get you to flawed conclusions, and dangerous if you plan to act upon them. Because by that point, you could say that killing all the men is a very good thing to do in order to avoid raping. And we all know where that goes.

I'll just stop my post here because I think I made my case, and I would love for you to reconsider your position, even if you don't change it, in light of understanding how dangerous that way of thinking is.

Otherwise, I won't feed the troll anymore.

[–] 20 points 1 year ago

This is actually something that I've been thinking about Lemmy too. Now Lemmy.World is a good instance, but if I ever need to move, I'll lose a lot, and that's not what Lemmy and the Fediverse as a whole should stand for. We need to allow users to migrate to another instance as a whole. Not just the name, but the messages, posts, replies, everything should be repointed to the new user.

Of course, this brings new and interesting attack vectors on instances for DSoS and for users data. Identity theft would be a real bitch.


I've been wondering about this for a couple of days. Having users-only instances could help with moderation and content visualization (think in pulling the plug on, while giving the freedom to different communities mods to treat their content as they want.

This would lend to three levels of administration/moderation.

  1. At community level: Mods can let their communities be run as they want
  2. At content-server level: By letting content-server admins run their instances with their own ethos. Letting people from certain users-only instances post, while other only read, and others are simply blocked.
  3. At users level: By letting users-only server's admin to let their users access certain instances that are aligned with their own interest (no-porn instances, no-nsfw instances, etc.)

This can lead to a kind of meta-db, where instances can declare their ethos, and then be automatically peered, or automatically severed.

I think that the main benefit for this is that it's easier for newcomers to visualize. While having mixed instances removes redundancies, having this separation allows for more streamlined experience for the users.

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