Ugh. This money isn't going to the greater good. I want socialized medicine where I pay around 4% towards the greater good and not towards the profits of an insurance corporation.
The ones that lost the war at his command. Got it.
I just don't want to pay 20% of my income for it. How about that?
The final book of A Song of Ice and Fire.
Stopping Climate Change.
This is a major problem. Foreign influence has got to be checked. Foreign countries controlling our country is an open door for flaunting the treaties and all diplomatic tools that we aim to keep. Adversaries are not looking to be friends.
That's a violation of human rights. Ffs
It saddens me thinking about how stupid our country is.
Most cities in the South stink. Our suburban school district is the best in the state. Very little crime. My house is the correct size thankfully. I can afford it.
10k/month for an apartment. Lol. That is a rich guy thing. My mortgage is $750/month.
I don't like all the people everywhere anyway. Whatever floats your boat.
Amazingly my parents house and my house cost the same at purchase. $130kish. A lot of things fell into place for us to be able to buy a house. I did get lucky.
MSFS 2020
Wearing a headset isn't appealing to me. I'd rather get a curved screen or more screens to be more immersed.