
joined 1 year ago
[–] 25 points 1 year ago

Man that's sad. The AV Club was my go-to site for TV/Movie reviews for years, it's unfortunate to see them degrade into the same kind of low-value content farm that their (former) sister site ClickHole makes fun of.

[–] 19 points 1 year ago

"I'm a helpful AI and automation tool," reads the Auto News Desk's bio. "I collect, analyze, and deliver information like high school sports scores and real estate transfers. My job is to help the newsroom deliver lots more useful information while freeing up their time to do important human-powered journalism."

You know, it's bad enough that they're using these godawful services to the detriment of both writers and readers alike, but what I particularly dislike is that all these shitty LLMs are being humanized with biographies and cute little names. Like little cheery mascots celebrating the death of human-powered industries.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

That's what I've been thinking. I can't even recall the last time I heard of anyone I know taking a PCR covid test.

And that makes it challenging trying to manage behavior. I've definitely noticed a marked uptick in people I know that have gotten covid in the past couple weeks, but when I try to look at the data to validate my anecdotal experience, it's difficult to find compared to two years ago. Oregon, for example, has wastewater monitoring, but the page used to convey the data doesn't work on mobile and is confusing to use at best.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I dipped out of r/politics on Reddit because over the past few years the general trend there has been:

Reliable news outlet posts article > Partisan clickbait site posts their incendiary "take" on the article > Redditors post their hot takes based on misleading clickbait title without reading either article

There's just no value to reading hot takes from uninformed teenagers seeking only to validate and amplify their worldviews based on clickbait titles alone. It's important to stay informed, but there's such a diminishing return for getting news from a subreddit vs. a legitimate news outlet, and it's definitely not worth the mental health hit. And I don't think it's a Reddit-exclusive thing. Personally I'd rather stick to reading news from the sources, and keep my social media focused on other things.

[–] 164 points 1 year ago (5 children)

I would caution some patience and suspicion on this story.

  • Zillow says that the sale information was a mistake and has since been removed.

  • Meanwhile, this headline is sourced from a straight-up clickbait site reposting a story from a news website with a history of mixed factual reporting.

We all get the fun brain chemicals coming out when a big juicy story like this appears and validates our worldviews and we can't wait to share and amplify it, but spreading misinformation is bad, m'kay?

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (2 children)

free as in beer yes, but not free as in the amount of time you will spend trying to install drivers for all your peripherals and then find yourself being castigated for asking for help in a GNU/Linux forum and being criticized by forum oldheads for not using the search even though you did use the search, but it only led you towards other threads which also all ended with terse messages to use the search, and then you're directed to a 1200+ page megathread on driver issues and told to spend the next three months parsing through it repeatedly before daring to post again.

[–] 22 points 1 year ago

Which is also when they regularly try and get you to mistakenly click a button to make Edge your default browser. Scummy dark patterns.

[–] 159 points 1 year ago (14 children)

I cannot believe that there are companies and non-wingnuts who are still actively using that site at this point. Like maybe at the start it was ha-ha funny watching him flail about with code printouts and unplugging random microservices leading to outages, but I feel like the moment he started actively funneling money to alt-right knuckleheads and human traffickers should have been enough of a kick in the pants for even folks heavily reliant on the platform to make their exit.

[–] 51 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (9 children)

I see we've unfortunately brought over the trend of defaulting to assuming the worst intentions from Reddit, with a side portion of baseless accusations. While I'm disappointed that the community was removed, I think it can be easily explained by:

  • Speed Run the Content Moderation Learning Curve
  • The reality that, right or wrong, any significant legal action brought against them would be game over for the instance and personally devastating for the humans involved. Conde Nast they are not, and if Joe SIIA decides to put them in their crosshairs, the legal situation would be financially devastating.

It's reaaaaaally really easy to sit in the peanut gallery and talk shit about how they're cowardly acquiescing when it's not our neck in the noose.

That being said, I feel like recent acts of defederation are only serving to highlight that the way forward in the fediverse is going to be having accounts on multiple instances in order to get the full breadth of offerings. In my case:

  • I initially signed up on since that was, at the time the "main" instance.
  • Oh hey, kbin looks cool. I'll sign up there and check it out.
  • Oh hey, people are saying that the admins are evil commies or some shit. Welp I better make an account on in case anything goes sideways.
  • Oh hey, now I'm probably going to also need an account on dbzer0 as well, dope.
[–] 42 points 1 year ago (9 children)

This is my issue with the article.

Headline: Here's what we know about EG.5 so far

Body: Apparently not much. We uhh, know the name of it? Severity, how contagious it may be, symptoms, breakthrough umm, anything??

[–] 7 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I dislike the general trend towards platforms feeling compelled to blindly imitate the various interaction mechanisms from platforms. Sometimes I just want to Instagram on Instagram. But then they had to follow-the-leader, so now you can Snapchat on Tiktok, or TikTok on Instagram. Companies are compelled to do many things haphazardly instead of one (or a few) things well.

This is simultaneously coupled with a growing trend towards disallowing any type of UI customization. You will take our experience and you will like it. How dare you want to turn off our faux Tiktok bullshit that our developers spent so many months plagiarizing.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago (2 children)

All good. The main negative has been international travel, but generally I prefer to switch to a local SIM card when travelling anyhoots.


Like many other subreddits, r/Finland is allowing its users to vote for whether or not they should a) reopen as normal, b) remain closed, or c) remain in protest mode.

However, the admins just sent them a nastygram essentially saying that's not allowed:

Your community sees well over 2 million unique visitors each month. Allowing a small segment of those users to make a decision for a community forever does not make sense. There are a huge number of people that use this space now and who will in the future

Polling to close is not a viable option that will return a result that resolves this situation

However, mods can also see traffic stats, which show them as closer to 20k uniques per month. My guess is that this is a copy/pasted message and a whole bunch of subreddits are getting this notice.

I thought this was a particularly nasty new development, since up until now the excuse has been that we can't let these Landed Gentry dictate the state of our subreddits, but now they're explicitly saying that they also don't care about how the users of a subreddit vote either.

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