Please add more examples to the list.
How about an example of Wayland forcing me to use GNOME like this rant alleges? I hate GNOME but have been using KDE with Wayland for like two years now.
Please add more examples to the list.
How about an example of Wayland forcing me to use GNOME like this rant alleges? I hate GNOME but have been using KDE with Wayland for like two years now.
Hey, all I want is for Linux hardware vendors to stop selling nvidia's trash!
Yeah, I know maybe like two other people who use Firefox. Everybody else uses Chrome. And it's been that way for the last decade or so.
I still prefer Firefox, but I worry about its future because most people, including web developers, just don't care.
Development of IE stagnated after Microsoft put Netscape out of business, because Microsoft got complacent, until Mozilla resurrected the remains of Netscape and saved the web. Then Chrome came along and Google convinced almost everybody to switch to it, including competing browsers like Opera. Chrome was originally based on Safari's WebKit (a fork of Konqueror's rendering engine KHTML), but then Google forked it (Blink) so they'd maintain control of it.
From what I've heard, most web devs only test on Chrome since every browser other than Firefox and Safari is based on it. And nobody seemed to care until very recently, because they didn't think a browser based on an open source project could possibly be a problem.
I'm honestly not surprised any of this happened, and I stick to Firefox and Safari myself, but I do worry about the ramifications of getting a real Chrome on the iPhone and iPad. I never liked Chrome and don't want to be forced to use it.
This is the last thing holding Google back from total domination of the web browser space. You know most people will just download Chrome when something doesn't work, since they already use it on their PC/Mac.
While I don't think that holding users hostage is the best thing to do, the reality is that enough people just don't care, and the iPhone and iPad's popularity forces web devs to make their sites work on Safari and not just Chrome. Once a real Chrome is available on iOS, all bets are off.
extended warranty
All they have to do is say the magic word: "Cosmetic"
Great. I'm not using a Dell. I have a laptop from a company that supposedly supports Linux first. A company I will not be buying anything from in the future either.
The awful screen is one big reason I don't use my System76 laptop more often. It's the worst laptop screen I've ever seen, has terrible light bleed, and has a pink tint. And this is the warranty replacement they tried to charge me for. The first one had the same awful screen, but kept freezing on me randomly.
And the damn thing STILL has hardware features that only work on Windows 10, five years later (like multi-finger trackpad gestures). I'll take System76 seriously when they start putting good screens in their laptops and get rid of nvidia.
“Age is front of mind for American voters in a way that it has not traditionally been and they are nervous about it,” said Cal Jillson, a political science professor at Southern Methodist University.
Um, yeah, because never was normal to have so many 75+ year olds in power. They need to retire. And yes, that includes Donald Trump and Joe Biden. The Silent Generation and Boomers ran this country into the ground and never gave up that power.
Ice Cubes, Mammoth, and Mona aren't on this list either. Ice Cubes is the app that got me to actually use Mastodon regularly.
This is a rambling of how Wayland supposedly forces everybody to use GNOME, which is BS.
The rant even includes an admission that the author didn't even know what Wayland was when it was written.