
joined 1 year ago
[–] 12 points 1 week ago

Maybe they mean a real one with fMRI. Or maybe just signaling to China that their assets get interviewed for life.

[–] 22 points 2 months ago (1 children)

You saying they might have an unexpected dangling pointer?

[–] 42 points 2 months ago (11 children)

They're also adding a lot more incompatible text formatting and shit to keep Android incomplete with their real chat protocol. Gotta keep those teens bullying Android users. Also E2E encryption would be nice, but the EU didn't force them to do that.

Still great because MMS is garbage and ruins photo and video quality.

[–] 19 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Experts believe the SEC faces significant challenges if it proceeds with fraud charges. “Courts typically prefer fraud cases that involve clear false statements,” said Fagel. “Transforming a regulatory violation into fraud, especially one involving delayed disclosure, can be an uphill battle.”

James Park, a securities law expert at UCLA, added, “Regulators could potentially frame this as a case of market deception, which complicates matters compared to straightforward falsehoods. It’s a nuanced issue but significant enough to warrant serious consideration.”

The biggest thing in their favor is a firefighters pension that sold at a lower than expected price if he had made the disclosure. They're not wrong, but it's a lie of omission type thing. We'll see if it flies over the next 5 years of appeals and shenanigans. Meanwhile he wrote himself a check on Tesla stockholders dime to cover the Twitter fuck up. I'm betting he fucks them over as Tesla spirals into a crater.

[–] 3 points 4 months ago

The fingerprinting I'm talking about gets encoded in the screen recording too. Subtle pixel changes here or there over the entire length of the video. It'll be lossy when it's transcoded, but over the whole video it's there enough times it won't matter. Even scaling to lower quality won't fix it and then it'll also be lower quality.

It'll be like DRM, there will be people trying to remove it like anything else. They'll break one thing and another will come along. There would still be a black market, but most people can get an unrestricted copy in exchange for money so there's one less reason to pirate.

Unless you're actually pointing a camera at the screen, then OK, you do you.

[–] 14 points 4 months ago (10 children)

They could offer a way to download a copy and steganographically tag it to hell with your id so that they know if you distribute it. You can "loan it out" by letting friends stream off your Plex or whatever. If you start selling that streaming service or it shows up in torrents, it has your ID on it.

Boom, you own it forever and you're incentivized not to over share.

Or you know sell DRM free versions and let people do whatever, but that probably has a snowballs chance in hell.

[–] 50 points 4 months ago (20 children)

Not a ton more detail, but it sounds like a kid has a visible gun that some students reported seeing. Then they tried to enter the school, but the school had a video doorbell/door buzzer type setup. There were five or so shots in quick succession that must've included officers.

Have to wait on more info, but it sounds like at worst they failed to deescalate. At best they showed up and the kid started shooting and they returned fire.

No innocent kids died, so that's a win in my book.

[–] 22 points 4 months ago

Exactly. They really sealed the deal when they sent a push message to get people to call Congress and stop the ban.

"TikTok can be used to influence our citizens politically" * TikTok proves it true immediately on a personal level for legislators * "See!"

Couldn't have found a better way to put gas on that fire. You're supposed to ~bribe~ lobby when they start talking shit.

[–] 16 points 4 months ago

Exactly BYD is their biggest problem. Also they can't claim higher build quality so you'd really pay more for just the brand.

[–] 7 points 6 months ago

Sounds like you're well on your way with a good process. The book Software Architecture: The Hard Parts is a pretty decent guide to breaking apart a monolith. It's not a 100% follow it to the letter guide IMO, but I think the overall approach makes sense. At each step you have to consider trade-offs instead of following any kind of dogma.

[–] 19 points 6 months ago (5 children)

So they're going to let him get a loan to pay bond for the appeal. So he'll be able to appeal if any bank takes that bet.

[–] 86 points 7 months ago (28 children)

Nobody thinks it's weird they didn't rent a bus? They rented a UHaul box truck and just piled in and sat on the floor? Folding chairs? Like this sounds like some low budget human trafficking cosplay.

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