I spend hours trawling Aliexpress and putting stuff in my cart. I can then revisit my cart and drop stuff I don’t want.
I have a pretty tight dozen or so watches which have remained in there for a while.
It’s nice and easy to just pick one I know I want when I have spare cash.
But there is lots of fun browsing and choosing.
You can also spend hours looking at straps and bracelets for them as well! :)
I have found my interest in the hobby has changed rather than abated.
When I first got into it I went mad and bought every thing I could, then realised that was stupid and got rid of a load of them. Then I decided that having a few good watches was the way to go, then got bored saving up for them. I now do a lot of browsing on AliX for homages and I can spend hours finding the gems. I can usually get one a month from there and it’s a much cheaper hobby. Lots of fun too as I got over the “I must have a Rolex or Speedy” hype train.
I am also really into micro brands as that is where all the innovation and interesting stuff is. Usually for not much money.