
joined 11 months ago
[–] 1 points 10 months ago

You know he's not really a Doctor right?

[–] 1 points 11 months ago

All this and they know they have Morey by the balls, if he doesn't trade Harden for whatever he can get then the 76ers get nothing when he leaves in FA.

Morey will obviously move him, but probably wants to see how the first few weeks shake out. Nobody wants to have a big injury, but if it happens and you don't want to throw the season away a 1 year rental of Harden for a decent price starts to sound pretty good.

[–] 1 points 11 months ago

Harden did the best thing for both parties by opting in. People keep saying oh if he wanted to leave he shouldn't have opted in. If he does this the sixers essentially spent multiple 1st rounders and depth for a rental and Harden makes less money, it's a lose lose situation. But in opting in to his contract he gets more money this year and the 6ers will recoup at least 1 of their 1st round picks and maybe get lucky with the personnel they get in return.

I think he's gonna go to the heat anyway, they failed to get Dame but if they can send Lowry and a pick or 2 and get back a guy who is at least top 50 and lets be honest, probably already loves Miami, why not? Harden wants to win a chip and the heat were close last year with random dudes from the Y's slow break league next to Jimmy and Bam. He's been liked wherever he goes by his teammates and puts the work in, I think the heat culture turns him into a beast and they're back in the ecf vs the Celtics again if he goes to Miami.