100% original... fish and regurgitation and upside-down and top hats have all been thought of before.
You've got it. I don't think I was clear enough asking the question. Might have done better asking if anyone's ever imagined anything that's never been imagined by anyone else before in any shape or form... I don't know. Funny, not even sure how to pose the question so it's clear. I tried reasoning along similar lines as you, and ended with the conclusion that every thought must have been thought for a first time by someone... we just got here after the fact. And those thoughts, once original, have all followed us into the present... which tells us it's indeed possible to communicate entirely original thoughts. So, what do you think?
Lol, upvoted for honesty.
He's setting a shameful example while feeling shameless, that's the part that boggles my mind... like the one day he signed more of his 'executive orders', upsetting who knows how many people's lives again, then hopped away afterwards to go golfing.
Space and time aren't original thoughts... they've already been thought of and about by many others before us.
As soon as you start thinking about dimensions, your thoughts are no longer original cause you're piggy backing off other people's ideas and theories.
Thought about it... Lemmy and usernames and what people think of usernames are not original thoughts. It has to be 100% original.
A variation of something that already exists isn't original.
Interesting... if someone did come up with a 100% original thought, could they even understand it? Have to think about that one.
Hmm, that might be one, or close... just not sure it's 100% original.
Not original, Google it.
I was thinking more along the lines of framing people.