If this is true (or at least plausible to the relevant people), the author of that Twitter post will probably be on the radar of any shady government agency worldwide. Not a nice situation to be in.
Are you sure? Doesn't the "smart edison bulb" design make it harder to dissipate heat to the casing, therefore making the LEDs get hotter compared to PCBs with LEDs surface mounted on them?
Anyway, if you want your ~~light bulbs~~any technology to last long, don't buy the "smart" variant. "Smart" usually means more components and/or more dependencies on interfaces, and more complexity, so a higher chance to fail.
TIL my thesis could have been easier if Typst would have been available years earlier.
Maybe they should ban trowing away your trash instead.
Capitalist perfection: you are paid for cycling, don't do anything else!
Correction, 50% of VOTING Americans are VOTING fascist. Doesn't necessarily mean they are fascist themselves.
Same question on reddit a while ago
As suggested there, I recommend to use a multimeter to identify the power socket pins. Roughly half of them should be ground. Most or all of them should correspond and be connected to the SATA power connector pins on the other side.
+1 on that. The User's guide of a similar device (source) mentions a 10-pin CPLD connector Reserved for IBM use
In addition to the other comments here: Don't run near cows. Quite often, they will start running with you, which is very impressive and dangerous at the same time. Cows generally are faster than you for the first few hundred meters at least.
Wow, that's an impressive list of amateur tanks. Do they also sell real cars in the US? (Rhetorical question)
That's not exactly true. The LED itself also emits heat. In most cases, this is more than the driver.
How good of a conductor wood is depends on its state. If it is very dry and not salty, this should be safe (although he could have taken the piece of wood more at the end to increase the distance between him and the fence and the length=isolation through the piece of wood). If it is wet and salty, it might be dangerous.