
joined 1 year ago

archinstall comes by default on medium now; there's also archfi and about a dozen other install scripts with varying levels of customization, interactivity, and ease of use. All of which are better options than wiki installation.

[–] 12 points 1 year ago

This is definitely a major reason. Windows 11 forces TPM 2, random hardware requirements that make no sense, and is objectively a downgrade from windows 10 (like every other windows version always is). Since Windows 10 is two years out from EoL and all major Linux distros have gotten so much better... might as well upgrade while you can still go back to 10 should you need to, before you have to be on Linux or throw out a bunch of otherwise fine computers.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Financially illiteracy is a point; but it's not a point for 50+% of the US. Median wage is $50k/year, which is far too low to ever purchase a home, so they're affected by the median rent being $1,383. which is half their net income.

You're right, that's why I support genocide. There are too many oppressive laws aimed at oppressing the rights of fascists, or as I've taken to calling them, people with genocidal thoughts they'd like to turn into actions. You can't start oppressing them, otherwise someone could use those laws to oppress me!

Which means they don't understand the situation and never will. This is not 'forced out of their profession for something they said outside of work,' this is 'an electrician declaring electricity doesn't exist and encouraging people to cut down power lines.' This is not 'oh no he said he likes pizza rolls instead of pizza,' this is 'a professional in a field has stopped updating his knowledge in said field and has actively advocated against large parts of his own field based on nothing but his own mental and moral failures.'

Peterson was free to address his 'concerns' in a scientific way, giving him the basis to actually argue his points as valid, if alternative scientific fact. The truth his nothing he has ever stated is scientifically defensible; and when you're licensed to use science in a way that can help or kill people, you need to stay up to date with the science and only use the most up-to-date peer reviewed science.

He is free to speak however he likes, he is free to get almost any profession he likes and speak how he likes, he can't essentially go against 70 years of scientific advancement because he wants to make money on the side catering to people with 1860s beliefs on science.

This is a serious problem I think isn't actually talked about enough. There is a 'ring of trust' on most social media now that in my opinion goes far too far; if you don't have enough algorithmically determined 'trust,' you'll be booted off without a way to appeal. Reddit shadowbans the vast majority of new accounts, but hasn't been able to cut down on spambots; Facebook by its nature needs ridiculous amounts of personal information but even then doesn't actually use it to assign more trust since bot-owners can supply generated information that's equally as valid; really all social media, especially if you do anything at all to protect your privacy, assumes you're a spambot first, then only lets you participate after you prove beyond a shadow of a doubt you might be a human. I understand we're already half way into developing a dead internet, but there's no reason we need to go full throttle into it by limiting actual humans from signing up past a certain point in a product's lifespan.

Millions of people would consider their prayers answered if they could switch places with us.

Sure and millions would be immediately suffering if they switched places with us, including people you'd least expect. The truth of the matter is most people are not ambitious. They don't want much, they desire even less. Every single person aged 20-50 that I know just wants their rent to be less than half their income, access to healthcare, and enough money left over to do something in their free time. Yeah, it's great we aren't spend our mornings tending to the fields and flocks and don't have to worry about pickling and canning every single food item we get our hands on. It'd be nicer if that didn't cost me more than half of my waking hours and 90% of my physical and emotional energy. I'd be willing to give up so much 'modernity' for just more free time, and it really sucks the guy that has never suffered in his life is telling me I need to give up both so his heirs can never know suffering.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (2 children)

DeSantis was a lawyer for Gitmo; Trump wanted to execute five innocent black men before he had any political ambitions; Vivek fully embraces the caste system that benefited his family in the past, and has pretty openly suggested he wants to use violence to implement it here. We know the people who are running for president are blood thirsty, they don't hide that in any way. They chose to run on a conservative platform, violence is inherent to the ideology, and on top of that frequently advertise how well they would play the role of violence if elected.

[–] 11 points 1 year ago

Most conservatives, as in all of those not in charge, have issues with empathy; specifically imagining the inner world of any other human being. That's not to say that cannot do this very simple human activity, rather they specifically cannot imagine any other human on the planet thinks any differently or has any other motivations than them. Therefore if they would do something in a situation, then everyone in that situation must be trying to do the thing that they would do.

They believe democrats are weaponizing the justice system, because it's what they would do, and thus they assume anyone that failed to do that before now was simply prevented from doing so -- now that they see 'weaponized' justice happening, they think it's fair game for their guys to do it.