Signing doesn't provide security of privacy protections. It just means you paid apple a fee.
There's no technical reason you can't delete an image that's been replicated. There's an API to replicate the data, there can also be apis to delete the replicas (and apparently there are?)
There's no reason a state can't make that decision. You didn't even make an argument. Just made a statement.
Ideally you'd just challenge a ruling like that and have it thrown out for being meritless and the judge who made it sanctioned. But the supreme court has ruled that judges have absolute immunity for their actions no matter how corrupt, so the best you can do is vote them out of office and then do nothing to them like we're doing here.
The justice system is more concerned with protecting itself than justice and it's the supreme court that's been heading that boat for the last 200 years.
Still that doesn't make their argument not stupid as hell. They have chances to fix it here and just refuse to admit that there's a problem.
Isn't this in violation of the gdpr?
I am too. Is the agreement to charge per mb downloaded? Do they not have some sort of "turn it off if I hit this max?* feature?
I usually avoid hosting solutions like this just because of this shit. I wanna know how much I'll owe before the month starts even. Anything else feels like gambling.
No one is saying you have to be enthused. They're saying you have to pretend to be enthused. Because the strategy of "I'm going to tell everyone I hate this guy so I don't loose any cool points with my friends who the maturity of 16 year olds" is a losing one for you and minorities and LGBT people and women and basically everyone you're fucking over.
The vast vast vast vast majority of men in the world are uncut and fine.
I find it hard to believe cities are too small for public transit and too big to walk at the same time. I find it easier to believe people are just too lazy for a 30 min walk.
The vast vast vast majority of the worlds men have foreskins though.
Circumcision is taking a kid and doing something irreversible to them without consent. Trans treatment is taking a kid and preventing irreversible things from happening until they consent.
That's literally the same thing the us government is doing here....