
joined 9 months ago
[–] 5 points 4 months ago

You could ditch gmail and run your own VPS with a mail server and website and move your Linkedin CV data to your own site.

All surveillance problems solved for about $50 per year.

[–] 29 points 4 months ago (15 children)

Telegram: We keep you private. Now enter your phone number to sign up.

[–] 6 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (1 children)

"I have nothing to hide ..."

Nice story, bro.

When you post a real photograph of yourself, wife, kids, and all your social security numbers and bank account numbers, along with a complete history of all video rentals and library books, and your private confessions of folly, vice, and sin-- post all that on your Lemmy profile, then I'll believe you have nothing to hide.

[–] 1 points 4 months ago

VPN + Tor = incognitopottamus

[–] 16 points 4 months ago (3 children)

No easy way at all. The specs would be in-house manufacturer docs. Recall that digital cameras used to embed date and time visibly in images in a corner. The logical progression was to embed other data such as device serial number, geotag data, etc.

Regarding the schemes for steganographic identification in devices such as cameras and printers, this information is usually kept a trade secret. The Secret Service would probably already have the spec docs for data hiding. Many manufacturers already have working agreements to provide back door assistance and documentation for the hardware surveillance economy. Ink chemistry profiles are registered with the Secret Service. The subterfuge is to 'investigate counterfeiting' but it is also used to identify whistleblowers and objective targets by their printer serial number or ink chemistry, or the data embedded in any images they are naive enough to publish.

If you are a undercover reporter secretly video recording, unbeknownst to you the video could have metadata encoded using a secret scheme. If you registered that product for a warranty, or bought it online and had it shipped, or paid with a credit card or check, or walked beneath the electronics store cameras without a hat and sunglasses to pay cash, it is easy for the state organs to then follow the breadcrumbs and identify the videographer.

Almost all 'free' wifi hotspots offered by chain restaurants and hotels are logged with the data being stored indefinitely, showing your mac address. It takes only a little bit of investigation and process of elimination to find the user on a camera feed history, to see who was connected when a certain message or leak was sent. If you use a wifi hotspot in a McDonalds, Wendy's, Starbucks, etc. smile for the surveillance camera which will also have your device's unique MAC address in the wifi history. This MAC address data is automatically sent to a central station, for example at the Wandering Wifi company, and God only knows how long they store it.

None of this nonsense makes anyone safer. These people hate us.

[–] 3 points 4 months ago

What should you do about surveillance technology? Ask a Amish hacker!

[–] 29 points 4 months ago (11 children)

Some digital cameras and phone cameras can also embed the GPS coordinates in the pixel data so that even if you delete the EXIF metadata the GPS location and device serial number are still present in the image. Many document printers also embed device serial number and other data on printed documents by using nearly invisible dot encodings.

[–] 2 points 4 months ago

The court system in USA is absolutely and irredeemably corrupt. Many prosecutors in USA are vile criminals and most of them belong in prison themselves. They have no respect for the Constitution or Bill of Rights that they are by law subscribed and sworn to uphold. They will use bogus criminal charges to affect or chill the outcome of an unrelated civil matter, to 'shut you up' in street parlance. People think America is free. It is an authoritarian hell run by delusional nutters. People like to scoff at that, until it's _their turn_ to ride the courthouse railroad.

[–] 15 points 4 months ago (3 children)

Forty years ago police had to have a basic level of intelligence and they investigated. Now some of them just rely on arm-twisting and plea bargain threats to find any patsy they can to stuff in a cell. They can have no crime, no complaint, no witness, no evidence, and still arrest you, and the D.A. will offer you a plea deal for something that didn't even happen. Your public pretender defense lawyer will tell you to take the deal. Don't laugh... it can happen to anyone.

[–] 6 points 4 months ago

You can have it now. We don't want it any more!

[–] 7 points 4 months ago (2 children)

Looky here, we found this nifty thing called, 'qualified immunity'.


Whatever is Clever Public License

Do whatever is clever. Do as you wish with this product.

Do whatever is clever shall be the whole of the law.


Heffalump Hackerz - Woozle Wizards - NIST Quantum Cryptography

Enjoy some humor regarding 'quantum hysteria' and 'quantum scaremongering'.

Quick expert critique of quantum computers and quantum cryptography:
On the Heffalump Threat (short single-page essay)

Short 3-minute video (aptly portrays quantum hysteria)

#NIST #cryptography #cryptology #encryption #heffalump #woozle #quantumcomputers #quantumcryptography #quantum #bigtech

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