
joined 1 year ago
[–] 3 points 4 months ago

Same with firefox

[–] 24 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I think what you want is either plex or Jellyfin which will give you a nice UI to browse your already downloaded files.

Now how do you browse new releases and figure out what you want to download? I just setup to go along with sonarr, radarr, prowlarr, nzbget, transmission... it's a lot of different services but they all work well together. Now to look for new movies, I or my family goes to Overseerr to request downloads, then plex to watch.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (6 children)

I've been listening to A History of Rock Music in 500 Songs and let me tell you, the music industry can fuck right off. Small indie label? I'll probably buy it, but one of the major record labels? Set sail mateys.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

If you are looking for FOSS, I highly recommend joplin. It's simple but works well. I used it for many years until recently I switched to Obsidian. I dislike that Obsidian isn't FOSS but I'm using the free tier and the community plugins really make it so much more powerful than Joplin. They both store things in Markdown so I'm not locked down to their ecosystem which I think is a requirement for any note taking app.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (2 children)
  1. Use Linux
  2. It's probably not a static-ip and I wouldn't rely on it as such. I'd use to handle the dynamic IP issue (or something else, would be another option)
  3. I'd look to pihole to start with for DNS. It blocks ads and you can add manual DNS entries. If you need something more complex, you can always migrate to something like unbound but pihole is a good, easy start.
  4. Setup You didn't mention HTTPS/SSL, but you should really set it up. let's encrypt makes it easy and free
[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Matches my experience with rust as well. Once I got used to some of the concepts and syntax, everything started to just fall into place.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Currently? No, because I quit reddit.

But when I was on reddit, I used Relay For Reddit Pro.

[–] 8 points 1 year ago (8 children)

Before I got my EV, all my vehicles were manual transmission vehicles except for one truck. That truck's transmission was such a piece of shit and I had to have it rebuilt 2x while I owned it.

EVs have no transmission (well, I've seen some conversions that do but that's a little different). At first I thought it would be like driving an automatic but it's really not.

In an automatic, the transmission starts pushing you forward as soon as you let off the brake. In a manual and EVs, when you take your foot off the brake, nothing happens.

In an automatic, there's not really a good way to decelerate without pressing on the brake. In a manual you can downshift (I know you can kindof downshift in an automatic but it's really not the same) and in an EV you have the regenerative braking.

Accelerating in an EV is just better than anything because it's just smooth acceleration right to wherever speed you are going to. Manuals can be fun to shift but I would say that EVs are better in this regard. Automatics still shift, they just shift for you and will often do it at the wrong times and can sometimes feel jerky if trying to accelerate quickly.

Really I think some people are just hesitant to adopt something new, especially if they feel like it's being forced upon them as some sort of agenda. I think as they drop in price and more people try them, they will like them. Then there's just the issue of range. I think if someone could get a $20-30k car with 300+mi range, it would be super popular.