Always has been a chameleon. It was named Geeko, which generated some confusion.
Does this mean that Leap is officially here to stay? I'm still confused on that one.
If you don't have multiple email accounts, then probably a webmail is fine. If you have multiple accounts, and require some advanced email features, then a local client is often more efficient. Unfortunately, because the majority of people are fine with a webmail, those clients are not attracting much activity for development and Thunderbird itself almost died some ten years ago.
Yeah, it's a shame that Leap is supposed to go away (I think it's not entirely decided yet, is it? It depends whether some people want to offer a Leap-like solution or not in the future). Tumbleweed is super great, but it's not for every usecase...
Nice seeing you on Lemmy! Does this mean you're not using OpenSUSE anymore? Or are you still working on GeckLinux as well?
They should work on XFCE yes.
Kmail and Korganizer do that, natively.
OK, it's clearer now, thanks for the explanation!
I don't get how this works in relation with Element X. Surely, installing and using Element X is not sufficient to use Matrix 2.0 protocols is it? I mean, it must depends on the room version and the like, right?
Bah c'est surtout que l'humour est un peu bizarre, faut s'y faire.
I'm French and I can tell you, there is no language barrier here. The jokes in Strange Planet are based on taking situations from common life and placing it in a civilisation that talks weird and in a very literal fashion.
Thanks! I found something interesting, a function named
from the ical2html package in Debian/Ubuntu. Very easy to use to filter by categories. Unfortunately, this same package does not exist for openSUSE, but worse case scenario, I can use my Debian server to work on those ICS files.