
joined 4 years ago
[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Flatpaks are great for GUI apps, and have a sandboxing system that allow them to work well on any system that support flatpak. This allows devs to package once run anywhere, saving Dev time! It also has a portals system to allow for better system integration of the granular permissions needed for the app to actually work (nobody wants a truly isolated sandbox for every app).

Snap is less featureful for GUI apps, but work closer to how native packages do. The real issue is the proprietary app store required for it, making non-foss. If you want the same benefits of snap, check out Guix and NixOS both of which have a more cleaner design, and work better IMHO.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

The rest, ansible for any sufficiently complex enough setup at the moment. Good for integration work with LDAP, etc if your using that. Again may play around with guix on that front.

[–] 6 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I'm a /home on separate drive/partition kind of guy. I like it just following my installs. Though seeing some using guix/nixos to create a config for my desktop has got me wanting to spend a weekend trying that out.

[–] 9 points 1 year ago

To be honest building a edit history views makes more sense to me. This project is opensource we can do more than work around.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago

I'm choosing to divest and look for more opportunities to help community ran distros to better fill that niche. Maybe NixOS or Guix as system os and rke2 and flatpak for the rest of services and apps.

[–] 15 points 1 year ago

The snap store is proprietary, flatpaks handle the graphical app space better, OCI containers handle the service space better, and really high reported load times.

Flatpaks are awesome IMHO.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

People are down voting you for responding to someone saying they don't know and would like to know more with "you have no idea do you?". Like yeah, they said so themselves.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Good thing for FOSS, maybe. Non-profits suddenly not operating effectively for a few years is arguably worse for a lot of people that depend on them.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

IPFS/IPNS, WikiData, and the internet archive are projects in the same space, any overlap that you would see as useful for your goal here?

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Do I want an OS that can offload to remote servers? I mean kinda actually, that'd be neat. Do I want another thing in my life to be a subscription I have no control on, absolutely not.


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Red Hat, their goal is to make money. Nothing wrong about that. I run a company, my goal is to make money. How you make money is what matters to people: is it ethical, or not. Are you selling your soul, lying, selling your community out, or not.

And now, it's pretty clear that Red Hat IS doing that. They're enforcing the signature of a license agreement when you create the account that lets you access RHEL, and that agreement is definitely against the values of free software, as it prevents you from redistributing or building your own product based on it

By the way, the legality of this is not something I can discuss, I'm not a lawyer, but there's clearly a potential contradiction between the license of the code, and what the license of the developer portal lets you do, so I guess someone will look into that

Red Hat lied, and they disrespected the open source community by saying "we contribute a lot, our 1:1 rebuilds don't, so we're going to prevent them from easy access to our work". That's completely against the spirit of open source and free software, there's no 2 ways about it

You can't build your own distro on the backs of upstream's work, and then refuse to do the same with downstream. Even if you don't see any value in it, someone does, it's not up to you to decide that, or you have missed the point of open source entirely

That's what companies like Microsoft do, or what Apple does: they prevent competitors from even existing, or from being as good.

The truth is, I think Red Hat just has lost the plot. Like Canonical did when they basically abandoned the desktop and all the projects they were working on.

They're acting like a rational capitalist company, which is NOT what the open source community wants. We hold companies that work in our sphere to a higher standard, and these companies are now failing to meet them

And the real problem isn't really how Alma or Rocky will survive, they'll have more work to do, but they'll manage with the CentOS Stream code. The real issue is that acting like that will in the end, harm Red Hat's business.

Why? The advantage of Linux is that it's open source. In enterprise, you want to combine that freedom to customize and tweak, and have many resources accessible to do what you want, but you also want support from a company that knows what they're doing, and can help in case of a problem.

And Red Hat flat out lying about how they'll handle things in the future makes them utterly untrustworthy for businesses: are you going to base your business decision on what a company said today, when they already screwed you over twice? No.

And you're also probably not going to stay in the ecosystem around these distros, because with these kinds of moves, you don't know if Alma or Rocky will still exist as-is in 5 years.

So, you move to community-run distros, and you start getting used to Debian, or Nix, or whatever else for your own stuff, you want to use that at work as well, and if you're in a position to push that, you'll do so.

Except in the long run this also hurts Linux. Because if Red Hat starts making less money, they'll hire less people, and contribute less to the linux kernel, GNOME, systemd, and other various systems

And this makes the experience worse for everyone, not just Red hat and red hat clones users. Everyone.

So, Red Hat: stop acting like a capitalistic company. You're not that, you work in a very specific industry, with very specific expectations, and a very specific feedback loop where the community, contributors, users, hobbyists, enterprise and companies all depend on each other. If you break the link somewhere, you're breaking it for everyone, not just you.

Start acting responsibly. Make your code public again. We expect better from you.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Self hosting might make sense on that small of a scale.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Does Creative Commons and the RAILS licenses not cover most of these models fairly? That is what I tend to see them under.


Hey, I really like using Organic Maps and liked using OSM+ before that, but trying to find things by the standard US address format " , , , " just fails spectacularly for me. Anybody else had that issue, or know of solutions to that?

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