
joined 1 year ago
[–] 13 points 6 days ago

That means I have to leave my phone plugged into the computer while it installs rather than take my phone to browse memes on while I shit or whatever

[–] 5 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Or, alternatively, you can bootstrap into a fine red mist as you get stuck to it and violently flung about

Lathes rule

[–] 4 points 1 week ago

Yeah, audiobooks are way longer than 4 hours normally

This "4h hotel review" is a full on story, like an audiobook but shorter

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

They could have a community center or a library. Sure funds are hard to come by but what kind of political party would even consider that?

Funny enough here in the rural parts of CA I've seen Raleys and Holiday Markets putting in large community areas with amenities like cheap (sometimes free) printers, office space, children's areas, etc.

They're not perfect or anything but its wild to see capitalist behemoths pull off something actually close to what the ideal would be, even if it's likely to manipulate people somehow

Make it law that communities with a dollar general or fuck it any grocery store we all have to eat have a community center of halfway decent quality in it like those places have done willingly and you'll have an improvement, guaranteed

[–] 15 points 1 week ago (5 children)

I've seen multiple people suggest hunting and get correctly told thats inaccurate

But would war fighting, or just fighting in general what with our aggression n shit help explain it?

The only times I've noticed this discrepancy in life are when hunting with women of playing competitive FPS games with my wife watching. I'll regularly see and react to things they don't, and are shocked when I shoot the sniper out of the tree on the other side of the map because yes, I did see him and I'm not crazy when I say I see shit flicker gdi

Aliasing also bothers me more than any woman I know, and everyone I know who hates it as much as me is a man

[–] 32 points 1 week ago (1 children)

This woman died only because she was honest with her doctor about her alcohol use

No, and it even says so in the article

She quit about 5 months before her death when transplants require 6-12 months of sobriety. She was drinking regularly with the fucked up liver before that diagnosis, and liver damage isn't something that just suddenly appears.

She kept drinking despite what would have been intense cramping pain and a slow death, thats why she was denied (addiction) and ultimately died

Note that the article says her partner was a compatible donor but the system refused to accept him because she used alcohol

And as the article also says it's incredibly dangerous for someone to get a live-donor transplant when they're in bad shape like she was, as failure of that means they'll need to let her die on-table or transplant a good dead one into her (which she was denied for, due to her drinking)

It's sad, but this woman died to alcohol abuse, pure and simple

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

To me it seems like you have done many entry level positions which yes, most require a lot of typing.

I've done a lot of office positions, which require a lot of typing. The level of the job isn't nearly as important as the field

I know it’s hard to imagine but there are a lot of blue collar jobs that use computers but don’t care if you type fast

Cool with the condescension, you're nowhere near in the right enough for it. Speed isn't the only skill in typing, as well

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

Bold of you to assume I don't just let those errors in the log pile up

If I don't look at the log then they don't exist!

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (2 children)

and yeah programming simply doesn't require fast typing

Funny enough making MC plugins and mods while moderating my own server was what got me to over 100 WPM

Because without meds my brain fires so fast that if I DIDNT type at 115 I'd have forgotten where my for loop was going before ive even finished the conditions it triggers under

My code is slooooooopppyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy thanks to that, but it's also not for anyone else's eyes ever so im good

[–] 0 points 1 week ago (2 children)

If one is required to perform the action of typing regularly for their job then one would hope they have skill at it

Every job I've ever interviewed for that wasn't physical labor asked for my typing speed and took my incredibly fast speed as a big bonus, even the ones where typing was only a minor part of what I would have been doing

[–] 7 points 1 week ago

This is so important to you that the government must be petitioned to act but you don't have a single example?

Yup, that's exactly what I said, nailed it!

Did you purchase Concord?

No, irrelevant anyway

Have you ever purchased a game that no longer works?

Yes. Multiple, even!

Why do you think you have the right to tell the devs what they should be doing if you didn't buy their game?

Because nobody should have the ability to take a paid-for product and make it no longer work after the fact. That flat-out _shouldn't be an options for anyone

You should really inform yourself on this topic, it's super clear you've got no idea what youre on about

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Off the top of my head not really, but I just woke up

But there's this magic way to learn about stuff called "looking it up" you can try! I recommend the people the post is talking about, you're obviously really poorly informed on the topic

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