
joined 8 months ago

Hi I made a Lemmy account specifically to save posts for future view.

To support the OPs, I opted to like instead of saving them as doing both is not ideal as I don't like to save every post, only some important ones.

But to my surprise, there is no way of viewing posts you liked/upvoted. Only saved posts appear in your profile.

This is in stark contrast to Reddit and even Mastodon which show both. I wonder if such a feature is in the pipeline or some way which exists to view them.

The best alternative is to just have lists support in Saved Posts like Instagram or Pinterest has.

Can any third party Lemmy clients do this? To be clear- I'd like to view posts I upvoted retrospectively and not from now on or something.

This is not a new request. I made this post to ask for things other requesters have not mentioned such as third party clients and comparision to Mastodon and Pinterest.

Also see these posts-

[–] 65 points 7 months ago (5 children)

I thought this meant the writer is forgoing Amazon as a service completely.

Cause that would be something worth reading. Not these first world problems ffs

[–] 7 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

The question is why. You can't stop kids from watching it. People get it one way or another. This does nothing than cause mild dips in viewership.

And frankly the kind of stuff on law abiding sites like PH is not doing any noticeable harm anyway. Raising awareness on sexual education if anything.

Most kids begin watching/experimenting around 14. Around 16 is when they should have sex ed and 18 is adulthood anyway. What's the point?

Not comparable but we are back to the "video games cause violence" nonsense.

Sometimes kids just dont need government protection. This is one of those times.