See, I played through some of the remake and it was pretty cool for the most part, I just can't make myself finish it. But I LOVE Crisis Core. I guess I'm the oddball out here.
joined 2 years ago
Final Fantasy VII, honestly. And it's not like I haven't tried to like it but it's just not that good to me. I'm a long time FF fan and I have played all but XI, but VII misses me. The music is bomb, for sure, and I love a few of the characters.
It's also talked about SO much by so many in the gaming community and I'm really just tired of hearing about it. I wish Square gave this level of love and attention to some of their other FF titles.
Monster Hunter Rise and Deep Rock Galactic! Trying to increase my master rank and unlock all the Risen elders. Doing event quests that interest me, and finally taking a jab at arena quests.
DRG is just fun as hell and it's kinda relaxing at the same time. Not too far into it but greatly enjoying every moment.