
joined 9 months ago
[–] jaredwhite@lemmy.world 9 points 6 days ago (4 children)

I'm totally fine with the SWF engaging with Meta just like they would any other entity building software using ActivityPub.

Funding on the other hand is a different story. It sounds like Meta contributed to an overall fund in order to launch the SWF. OK, I suppose — but if there's specific funding down the road for some specific project or funding in some way which appears to influence decision-making on which projects to work on or how to approach them, that's when I have a huge problem with it.

[–] jaredwhite@lemmy.world 5 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

My hot take is that short-term posture doesn't matter all that much. If you have bad posture but you get up every 20 minutes and stretch/do chores/exercise for 5-10 minutes, you probably erase the original issues.

My one-two punch, if you're looking for advice: make sure you use a chair that makes good posture easy, with your keyboard+mouse & monitor height well separated on your desk (if computing's the main thing you're doing as you work). And then make sure you're getting a lot of activity throughout the day. Spans of 2, 3, 4, etc. hours just sitting at your desk will be really bad for you, no matter how good your posture is.

I guess what I'm saying is if you can either focus a lot on posture or focus a lot on physical activity routines, prioritize the latter. But both are certainly important.

[–] jaredwhite@lemmy.world 14 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Adam's been making some of the best YouTube takedowns of corporate tomfoolery for a long time…glad to see him turn his talents towards an epic takedown of automobile culture! 😆

[–] jaredwhite@lemmy.world -2 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

Yeah, I don't care for the those kinds of jokes. However, I care for tone policing even less. Maybe the occasional comment like "ok buddy, maybe that one went a bit far" is fine, but now we're having a entire thread about it and now I'm spending my time commenting on this instead of commenting on what is actually a Big Deal which is that cars in urban settings suck monkey balls.

(sorry monkeys!)

[–] jaredwhite@lemmy.world 5 points 5 months ago (3 children)

Maybe it's a PNW thing? Except for a few "big box" chains, virtually every market I can think of with a local flair offers indoor seating here.

Can't speak for other folks, but I always look for a proper bike rack. Seems like good etiquette.


I was surprised that even here in Portland, OR…not far from downtown…I was on my bicycle and pulled into a small shopping center. I guess you could call it a strip mall, but it was pretty small and completely surrounded by small residential streets.

So imagine my surprise when (a) I couldn't find any bike parking in front of the main grocery store. I had to walk entirely across the parking lot and over to the side of a dentist's office. Then (b) I went back to the grocery store and discovered it had no indoor seating. There was plenty of room from what I could tell—they had an entire wall dedicated to greeting cards and another entire wall dedicated to flowers. But nope, nobody can sit here—even though they have a significant large deli! They did offer a very bland outdoor seating area over on the side of the building, but given it's been windy and a bit drizzly I decided against it. (Also it was deserted for obvious reasons.)

Folks, I am so weary of bike/pedestrian-unfriendly retail. The accommodations car drivers get that we don't continues to astound me—even in areas which are presumably "progressive". 🤨

[–] jaredwhite@lemmy.world 2 points 7 months ago (2 children)

Oh yeah, thanks for bringing that up. And maybe we stay away from WordPress.com now with all the weird AI stuff they've been up to. 🤪

[–] jaredwhite@lemmy.world 2 points 7 months ago (4 children)

I all for removing barriers to entry in this space, and if you're talking about self-hosting everything and wiring up all sorts of bits and bobs of various services together manually, yeah, it's very technical and daunting. But somebody can get started on Ghost, or WordPress.com, or Buttondown, or ConvertKit or whatever. Lots of ways to write early and often online. Buzzsprout is pretty rad for podcasting as well.

The problem usually boils down to distribution like Nilay said, not hosting. Fediverse seems like a real solution here. Honestly I've never been as successful at both blogging and podcasting as I am right now. This isn't merely a glimpse of some old-school internet nostalgia trip. It's a whole new world out there and it's actually better. 🤩

[–] jaredwhite@lemmy.world 14 points 7 months ago (6 children)

I'm a blogger and a web developer, so IMHO:

Blog-style sites have never been as cheap to run as right now. For small-to-midsize sites run mostly as static sites, it might even be close to free.

Virtually all cost is in the human labor, and the challenge of running a sustainable business model like subscriptions off of "words" which I think are valuable but getting audiences to agree is very hard.

But we might be seeing a turnaround here. I'm hopeful!

[–] jaredwhite@lemmy.world 2 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Yeah, it was a mixed bag at times plot-wise, but I lost my shit when the you-know-what suddenly appeared on screen in Season 3. I was screaming and screaming at my TV. 😂

One of the best damn moments in all of ST fandom for me.

[–] jaredwhite@lemmy.world 7 points 8 months ago (2 children)

"physically easy"

Sure, because our necks, backs, and hips are all feeling so great all the time with these long hours at the desk.

"pays well"

Some tech jobs are connected with living in places with high living expenses, not to mention some tech jobs aren't at Big Tech firms so the pay is lower. Struggling with finances doesn't magically disappear because you're good at code.

"people think you're smart"

lolololol said every person ever who isn't white man passing or perhaps presenting as one of the "privileged" minority classes.

Look, do I agree tech jobs on average are appealing compared to many other professions? Sure! But minimizing—verging on gaslighting—the very real harms people may suffer while working in tech is irresponsible. Our industry has a long way to go to provide real equality, equanimity, and stability.