I think people over value emotions, but I realize I'm part of people too and it happens to me. Emotions are a fast heuristic but they're not very inaccurate. They're good for when speed is important, or when more information isn't available. Neither is true on an async post about Linux. But yes, I can be dismissive of emotions but it's something I'm working on.
I've seen too many people make strange, unhelpful, decisions because like "someone told me to do something and now I won't" or "that guy was rude so I'm not going to listen". That's what your post felt like to me. (Note the emotional dimension there, heh)
Like, imagine a friend who always forgets their plans, is late, and double books themselves. You probably can't just be like "use a calendar, dude". You probably have to gently massage them and incept the idea. If you just tell them, they'll feel bad, reject the idea, and continue having problems. (In real life, some months later the friend did come around to using a calendar, but only after uselessly wrestling with feeling bad)
Nvidia 4070 super.
I don't remember the other details off the top of my head. Discord had me run
sudo apt install linux-image-oem-24.04b
and that fixed the Ethernet. They didn't really explain details, though. Maybe there were more things to do, but I didn't get more responses so I was on my own.