What if my gender is undefined?
If you have a very large directory, find will check each individual file, even when -path
doesn't match, which makes it take longer to complete. Combine -o
and -prune
to omit them entirely.
find . -path '**/node_modules/**' -prune -o -type f -name '*.js' -exec grep 'import' {} +
And some projects only test in Chrome. If we're lucky, they test in Firefox with default settings.
When you go to prison for being in debt and only get further into debt and can never pay off your debt.
math in start menu is also powered by bing.
Pay to use an insecure 2FA via SMS.
So basically GIT_ASKPASS
You may have received a birth certificate, but we do not recognize your status of birthed.
Meanwhile in America: your baby isn't covered by Medicaid because it isn't born yet.
Firefox on Windows has this feature too.
For thise that like firefox drawing its titlebar instead of using the system one (I can those psychopaths)
Psychopath here. I'm so much of a psychopath, I made a custom userChrome css to fix Firefox not using the system gtk decorations when using themes.
'); UPDATE users SET gender = NULL;--