
joined 10 months ago
[–] 1 points 9 months ago

I work remotely in IT, live frugally and invest my savings - last 8 years of my life.

ATM I'm debt free with my own apartment, with another apartment I'm buying for cash, some stocks and a good emergency fund (3 years of living expenses).

I'm still trying to earn as much as possible for my contract work. I mostly don't splurge at all.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago

This post went exactly as I would have thought. A bunch of people living in their moms’ basements, who haven’t seen the light of day for months

Strong words for a 22yo with his head so far up his ass I'd be surprised if any light manages to go through at all.

Your question could be easily answered by Google btw, without bemoaning a post going 'exactly as you thought' after getting some perspective from people who are often on the other side of the fence that you so covet for.

Go to places like the US or Argentina and pull yourself up by your bootstraps. Western Europe is obviously not compatible with your socioeconomical values, there's no way around it.