
joined 10 months ago
[–] 2 points 10 months ago

Try Texas! Land of rugged individualism & freedom. A cancer diagnosis here, no problem, just file bankruptcy and lose your house plus anything you wanted to leave your children.

Speaking of children, the kids here get trained in school for what to do in case of a crazed shooter. I say well trained, but it never works -- the shooter always kills a bunch of them. The main effect of the training is to traumatize them & give them bad dreams.

You can carry a gun here, like openly wild west style. My mechanic accidentally pointed his at me when he was removing his holster belt. Thrilling!

Want a college education? You can absolutely have it here if your parents are rich or if you don't mind going into crippling predatory lending debt. People are often paying these loans into their 60's.

We have great roads, but be prepared to pay $150+ plus in tolls per month if you use them routinely.

Hope you don't need an abortion. You'll need to go out of state as it's illegal.

Our governor is kind of a monster, we've decided to find it charming. He didn't make sure to take care of the electric grid infrastructure and the Texas Tribune estimates 900 Texans froze to death one winter, although that's higher than official numbers.

Lots of people here pay 25-40% in federal taxes, btw.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

Kroger rotates store managers every two years. And true, they obviously know the people in this town aren't used to any better. But you don't think they deserve what Kroger offers elsewhere?

Let's just have lower standards because these people don't know any better. lmao

[–] 1 points 10 months ago (2 children)

The US has become a corporate oligarchy. That's why tax dollars are less & less spent on infrastructure and why many businesses do the minimum up keep.

And most businesses literally do the minimum. I moved from an affluent part of Houston where people expect things to be nice to a small sad little town known for having a meth problem. The first thing I noticed was how sad the fast food places, pharmacies & grocery stores are. The Kroger is never clean inside, Burger King, Jack in Box, KFC and Wendy's are disgusting inside & out and CVS & Walgreen's don't maintain their buildings. The only places that do are McDonald's Chick Fil A and Taco Bell and they happen to be on the interstate.