Not exaggerating. Though not a keen student of history I'm not totally ignorant of it either. Germany was a caldron of political activity from 1918 until the Nazis took over, so one would think the average German would have been politically aware. In the US even active voters seem to be in a lala land head space that is hard to understand, one youtuber saying "I didn't like the direction the country was going." What does that even mean. Then there are those that "I don't do politics" and "whatever - as long as it doesn't effect me". The US is guiding into authoritarianism with hardly a struggle.
joined 1 week ago
I read a book once - i know, crazy right? - looking at Facebook's policies, strategies, and actions and reactions in relation to driving engagement and its algorithms. They know well what they are doing in regards to hate groups and driving opinions that veer into human rights abuses. If the profit motive is removed, as is the need for 'hours on platform' and engagement and feeding people the worst aspects of themselves back to themselves, then much of the malignancy is dampened if not removed. Even so, if we had nothing but benign platforms, I think that a) being always in contact with people is not necessarily a good thing as is claimed, and b) being in contact is not (necessarily) being connected, and fudging or confusing that is a problem in itself.