
joined 10 months ago
[–] 1 points 9 months ago

I was in your exact same situation. I have a few suggestions. You could move to Mexico and find a really safe comfortable place for $350 a month and then you wouldn’t have to do anything but your YouTube. Or you could work a job and do your YouTube channel. I worked a full-time job and had a full-time small business on the side for two years, and I actually didn’t mind it even though I got really physically tired I was just so excited. Every time I got to work on my small business that I just sort of ignored the bothers of the other job until I finally was able to quit it, you can do it!!

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

It’s a movie but that’s such a non entity to business people that I avoid even saying it because it’s like saying, “I gambled in Vegas and somehow I lost to the casino”



I have a small business that is essentially a product like a house. Let's say this house is in a real estate market that is not in demand -- there are millions of other houses for sale and not enough buyers. Those that do sell their houses have serious PR, Sales, Marketing budgets. My "house" is in good shape for a buyer, but I spent all the funding I have on the building and have none left to do PR, Sales, and Marketing. I don't know if I should move to business two, start it with lower capital investment and use it to raise money for the "house" marketing/sales efforts, or if I should just spend all my time trying to bootstrap the sales/marketing/PR of the "house." Problem is I have run out of ideas for bootstrapping, and everyone tells me "spend $10k on sales/marketing and the house will sell." I don't really know if this is a fact because of course I could spend 10k that I don't have (go into debt) and the "house" still may not sell. Advice from you all would be greatly helpful I am a female business owner and this is my first product/business so I am still learning. Thank you:)