Why don't you just make your own thread to talk about your specific case instead of trying to hijack my comments?
You clearly can't understand the words being put in front of you, so why would I continue this discussion?
You're part of the problem.
It's sad watching people like you lower your standards even further just to make someone richer than you even richer.
What bar isn't run by greedy shitbags?
I hate bar culture. Everyone who frequents bars complains about "needing" more money, then they spend it on $7 shots while the entire bottle is $11.
$4 beers (plus tip) when the entire case is $15.
Just another shining example of useful idiots being taken for a ride without even realizing it.
I totally agree.
It's fun as a novelty. Not when it's an excuse for the business to gouge you even harder.
Yes, useful idiots have been trying for decades to get people to shut up about abuse.
Glad some of us are smart enough to rise above that behavior.
Because waiting a few minutes longer for food isn't the same as waiting 10+ minutes for a ride. People need to get places quickly.
Have you considered that the two businesses may be different? Guess what, electric companies do the same thing!
As it turns out, supplying electricity and taxi services are different than food service.
Because federal law isn't always just.
Look at the war on drugs.
Civil disobedience is making a comeback, thanks in no small part to this illegitimate supreme court.
They don't have any power, anyways. States do not have to obey supreme court rulings.
States don't have to obey the supreme court.
The supreme court is a suggestion body more than anything else.
As soon as we stop taking them seriously, they stop having power.
Yes, I'm just highlighting how the rhetoric has changed.