
joined 1 year ago
[–] 3 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Literally just button remapping support for my MX Ergo.

And for the fool who always comes into these threads to tell me again that I must not have tried in several years, I tried last month. Talked to the Solaar dev, tried to reach out to Logitech, literally nothing to be done.

[–] 28 points 11 months ago

Fuck that work ethic bullshit. Let's live like cats.

[–] 8 points 11 months ago

I mean, I have no idea if she's Margot Robbie, but I figure I might as well treat her as if she is. Doesn't cost me anything. It's basically the solution to the solipsism problem with lower stakes.

Personally, I think doing a goofy impression of yourself and occasionally breaking character would be a good way to fly under the radar.

[–] 9 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (2 children)

Source for that? Because all I'm seeing is footage of her striking with SAG and pro-union comments she's made online.

The attitude toward celebrities on Lemmy versus on Mastodon is really weird. Same thing with reddit, a lot of the time. Like, okay, I have no idea if that's really Margot Robbie or not, but famous people do use the internet. Attention doesn't make them a different species that forgets how to use keyboards or something.

Might as well be nice?

[–] 5 points 11 months ago (3 children)

Europe at least has had the benefit of being able to work country-by-country, whereas the US is one massive tangled morass. Hell, even achieving the kind of restructuring and harmonious cooperation that you see in the EU had to come as a result of two of the most atrocious wars humanity has ever mustered in the span of less than half a century.

Kinda puts it a little more into perspective when you consider the absolute shit-show Europe had to turn into before it was ready to grow up.

[–] 5 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Hi Margot Robbie! <3

[–] 7 points 11 months ago

If you'd read the article you might have an answer.

[–] 4 points 11 months ago

I worked at Starbucks back in like 04-06 or something like that and it was a great job for what it was at the time. The pace was reasonable, the hours were genuinely flexible, the pay was decent, and the benefits were actual. I was in the highest volume store in the metro area I was living in and I loved working there. It was busy, but the line kept it reasonable, we'd mark drinks ahead of time on cups, and half the time by the time people got to the counter we'd have their drink ready.

After unemployment ran out from COVID I went back for about a year, and it was a completely different beast. Where one line used to create a bottleneck at the register and allow us plenty of time to mark and make drinks, we now had to deal with the drive-thru and mobile ordering all at the same time, which shifts the bottle neck to drink preparation by a wide margin. Working at Starbucks now is essentially standing in the middle of the narrow point of a labor funnel. They've also added a lot more tasks and spread them out all over the place, so the footwork is way more than it used to be. Floor mat coverage also tends to be insufficient because of this, and there isn't really time to slow down to a reasonable pace. Doesn't help when you're scheduled until 15 minutes before the hour in order to avoid having to give you another break.

Pay is basically what it was the last time I worked there plus a couple of dollars. Benefits and stock options are still left dangling as bait, but management seems to try to ensure that as few employees as possible actually get enough hours to qualify. Where previously corporate, in my experience anyway, supported positive managers who had their crews backs, they now seem to love slimy corporate boot-lickers who will rake back every bit of benefit and extract as much labor as possible.

With the drive-thru model it's hardly surprising to see it getting worse, but it is disappointing. What was once a boon to the working class has become just another exploitative company. Not only that, but an exploitative company that's taken their market share and has moved on to cost cutting and labor squeezing. Replacing nice little local cafes first with a polished corporate cafe and slowly turning it into an expensive McDonald's.

I do hope the nice little cafes see the opportunity to capitalize on selling a better product and treating their employees better and take back a bit of that market share.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Unreal is safe now, but there are no guarantees under capitalism. A FOSS license does guarantee that enshittification won't be a factor because it literally can't become the exclusive property of some company with a greedy executive board. Unreal doesn't have that protection, Godot does.

Could Godot be compromised some how? Sure. Can it be enshittified? Not really.

[–] -1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

The thing is, this could change at any time. The problem with enshittification is that it spreads. A company that's doing great work today could be bought out by corporate profiteers and leeched of its actual value at any point in the future. We've had plenty of companies that started out with a vision and a set of strong principles who've been reduced to predatory business practices that are bad for everyone. You can't assume that because a company seems to have integrity now, that integrity will remain.

Remember Elon Musk 15 years ago? Wasn't quite the same, was it?

To me, sitting in a position of getting started in game development, that makes me want to sink my time and effort into an engine that I know can't be enshittified because it can't be bought out. I want to know that in a few years I'm not going to completely scrub every asset and mechanic that I make for the engine because somebody's pulled some Darth Vader shit.

[–] 7 points 1 year ago

Bottom of the lake is pretty cheap iirc.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I don't really even trust Unreal until Unity takes a legal hit for this. What's to stop Epic doing the same thing?

Considering how locked into an engine a project can get, why risk a corporate engine unless you absolutely have to?

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