Dotanium or donotanium there is no trytanium!
Tizen in the corner: "Pick me, pick me 🥺"
Don't forget that his mommy invented spinning the news with her "immaculate conception" story. Having three "wise" men over checking if they were the father.
If you can turn water into wine, you will be making a decent profit. Why do you think the Roman government wanted to get rid of him?
It's just history repeating.
Will work fine indeed. Only I always have some issues getting the touchscreen working seamlessly. Is there a window manager on Debian who does it well?
The picture is so fitting for this situation.
They're still friends? I thought the romance was over?
Ask any wannebe pro athlete: You can't steal talent.
The billionaires know if he gets elected now they have enough levdridge to get a perpetual get out of jail card.
You can invoke it with "speaker of the house" privileges.
Can we crowdfund air time for an angry Bernard Sanders speach?
Was it any good?