U see the purpose of freedom is to maximise oppertunity for people to excercise free will. U can choose to believe whatever u want which means u must also support other peoples decisions to believe what they want especially when u disagree with them. How can the suppression of peoples freedoms, ideas, and choice to do with their body as they wish be a good thing?
Land of the free.
Why downvotes? I think cos everyone is using it and they dont wanna have to confront the idea they fucking themselves.
So now ur calling me a fascist cos i disagree about the definition of a word? That is the most immature load of horse shit in the history horse shit.
Thats how words work u use combine multiple concepts together to create a new things that encapsules the whole. For instance if u where to define a table as having legs a table top etc then some moron claimed well i have legs ur definition sucks that wouldnt be a good faith interpretation would it?
Is she gonna claim election interference and that it was stolen cos people got real mad when trump did that.
Gotta love the ai restrictions anyone with the tiniest bit of technological skill can access uncensored models for wayyy cheap but they keep the mainstream ones censored lol.
America is addicted to its cheap disposable and abusable workforce.
So does openai whats ur point?
Isnt their some law about the simple explanation is most likly the real one?
Wouldnt the simple explanation be he wants different generals and he doesnt care what they do cos he plans on stepping dpwn in 4 years.