Cough NSA Cough cough
I just want to see Trump and fam in cardboard boxes
Found the lost lemming
During the deregulation era (70/80's) lots of stupid people made millions. Having lots of money does not mean you're smart. Donald is not smart just rich , and that may be a lie too.
You're worried about a bit of tritium being pumped into Lake Ontario?
The actual leak never got out, the only time there was a leak was some dumbass filled the wrong silo and had to dump it.
Twitter is such a shithole
Canada's CANDU reactors were built in the 60's and are providing Ontario 60-80% of its power.
Shitty design and build are the main problem. Not the age
Ah wasn't aware of that
Don't forget KIA (Kia Boyz challenge) And people also like to build massive houses right next to the ocean and with them raising and engulfing the houses. These asshats always get paid out
Breaking News: Trump officially a loser!