I have a Proxmox Server ("A") and another server (let's call it "B") running SMB as a Server on SSDs. Both servers have 10G NICs.
I want to install a LXC on A which uses the SMB-share of B as install device.
I face several problems:
- Adding SMB via GUI does not work (error 500).
- Adding via "pvesm add cifs" did work.
- I can install the LXC on the smb share, but I cannot start it "
run_buffer: 322 Script exited with status 5
lxc_init: 844 Failed to run lxc.hook.pre-start for container "407"
__lxc_start: 2027 Failed to initialize container "407"
TASK ERROR: startup for container '407' failed"
Any ideas how to get it running?
I can't get it running with my GPU.
I get this error:
parsing /root/secure-ai-tools/docker-compose.yml: yaml: line 19: did not find expected key
This is my .yaml:
web: image: public.ecr.aws/d8f2p0h3/secure-ai-tools:latest platform: linux/amd64 volumes: - ./web:/app/volume env_file: - .env environment: - INFERENCE_SERVER=http://inference:11434/ ports: - 28669:28669 command: sh -c "cd /app && sh tools/db-migrate-and-seed.sh ${DATABASE_FILE} && node server.js" depends_on: - inference
inference: image: ollama/ollama:latest volumes: - ./inference:/root/.ollama deploy: resources: reservations: devices: - driver: nvidia count: 'all' capabilities: [gpu]