No no no. Tell me how Durov, or someone else get access to my one-to-one crypto chat, if I compile mtproto self from github? You white hacker? Great. Try it and if you can you will be money rewarded. 500 dollars. OK?
P.S. If you will have problem with get money from Russia as we have problems to get money from Europe, I can send you money with crypto.
And why? because no one do that in real? So, you see on it different if you life or your freedom depends on the messenger. No all countries looks like EU. In my Android phone self compiled linphone and self compiled telegram client. That's my reality.
P.S. On the other hand, apple still fulfills all the requirements of the Russian authorities in the Russian store. By the way, the store works great. Why do you think that the same thing is not being done in other countries?