It's a weird default. The file is literally a elisp code with .el like almost everything else.
You can select in one go in GNU Emacs. You can bind this to some shortcut.
(defun select-func-at-point ()
(let (bounds pos1 pos2 mything)
(setf bounds (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'defun))
(setf pos1 (car bounds))
(setf pos2 (cdr bounds))
(set-mark pos1)
(goto-char pos2)))
If you have to compare with vterm, it doesn't. Vterm has more features, faster and less buggy.
I used both extensively but the both are faster than term or shell.
Vterm is the fastest and most correct about handling key events.
Maybe term will get similar improvement as vterm in the future. This is such a basic thing that most other IDEs also seem to support properly.
Show him one of the email clients on GNU Emacs. Vterm's directory tracking is also unique.
as long as those files are opened via tramp, there is no way to do that, unless you patch tramp.
You actually have to learn how to develop those features.
I didn't know gwsl works for wsl1. I'm gonna give it a try. WSL1 is so much better if you exclude missing syscalls.
Wow, this is really dumb in a single threaded event driven code base. I hope they replace with some popup or equivalent.
Actually learning elips itself is the reward.
Regardless of the language, i feel like there is a core layer where it handles lower level stuff and an outer layer we typically interact with.
I'm glad nobody is recommending garbage like doom emacs, evil and etc.
Just start from the tutorial start adding your keybindings to make your life easy.