
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 6 months ago (1 children)

So are you looking to connect storage to it and run local media or are you looking more for a streaming thing to play Netflix and such?

[–] 1 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (1 children)

While I wholeheartedly support all your gripes with the streaming services, how come everyone loves fucking Plex with *arr so much? Plex has been nothing but janky for me and constantly tried to push it's own bullshit through dark patterns (some plex-tv-stuff added to a menu here, some recommendations to their own BS there), while looking and feeling super outdated. This is without the need to switch applications just to get to overseer.

Isn't Stremio more comfortable for most ppl?

[–] 2 points 8 months ago

Yep. Got such a service as well. I've got this one docker container that's supposed to connect to a VPN and provide access from the outside to another one. The bitch keeps just crashing to a point where even "restart policy: always" will give up on it. Doesn't matter too much usually, since I can start the container before I need it, and it will usually run for half a day or so, yet still

[–] 3 points 8 months ago

Get into de bus?

[–] 28 points 9 months ago

You need to always remember that the patient in such a situation is at the lowest possible point. You cannot make "dead" any worse. So "risks" don't apply in that moment.

Or, as a paramedic I knew said when someone asked him about the same question: "Whatever happens, it won't kill him"


Hey everyone,

I'm currently using immich for my omagensercer and I love it very much. Now I wanted to revive an old tablet as a digital picture frame and I'm not sure how to best do this.

I want to frame to run a certain album on Immich in a (random) loop. My first idea was to use Immich's slideshow Features, yet those switch Images way too fast and I have found no way to customize the interval.

Another way would be to run the slideshow locally but I didn't find a way to Auto-Download images to a device when someone adds an imagemto an album.

So: how would you do this? Has anyone already done it?

Looking forward to your input :)

[–] 2 points 11 months ago (1 children)

thanks for your detailed answer :) So it's really just another "Solution in search of a problem" kind of deal, since the whole concept "decentralises" a conecpt that is already decentralised (BitTorrent) but with a little Cryptocurrency because of course it has Crypto.

Now I just need to find out what Piped does with it, since all it's content is supposed to be on YouTube, right? So searching for content can't be it's purpose... I think.

[–] 1 points 11 months ago (1 children)

No, it means that there was a Par2-File (which I didn't recognize since I haven't used Usenet for long) and a regular file but Readarr kept picking the Par2 file.

[–] 13 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Well... that's one way to answer someone who very clearly asks "I did some searching but couldn't understand the results, please explain what's going on to me".


Soo, I just set up my own Piped instance and noticed that you could disable "LBRY-integration". I did a very quick search and learned that this is some sort of decentralised content sharing thingy. I thought nothing much of it at the time, assumed it was some way to speed up streams or whatever and just went on with my day. I did discover that Odysee was made with that protocol, so I assumed it was just some PeerTube-ish thing.

Until today. I just saw the "LBRY is shutting down"-post on this community. I read it and noticed that LBRY was some kind of web3-nonsense? That got me looking. So the way I understand LBRY, it's basically an Indexer on a Blockchain that points to BitTorrent content which is then served as online media... right? I'm confused.

Now I have two questions:

What and why is LBRY?
How and why is Piped using LBRY?

Hope someone can enlighten me :)

[–] 1 points 11 months ago

Thanks :) Yet... why keeps Readarr fetching those and not the base file I wonder?

[–] 1 points 11 months ago (3 children)

Those do come from a private Indexer (and given the explanation by, they are supposed to be there


Hi there, I've recently tried to use the Usenet and I am amazed how much stuff is on there and at which speeds it can be accessed. Yet... Readarr has been giving me a headache recently and I think this is due to some peculiarity of the Usenet.

It recently started downloading sources to many files with wild naming schemes at the end of the file like

(2019).zip.vol31+32.par2 yEnc

just to complain that it didn't find any files in the download. Now I get that yEnc is some sort of cypher-format and since the files are usually under 10mb, I get that these are probably single chapter or something. Searching the Usenet by hand, I'll usually find many parts of the same audio book with those numbers slapped onto them. Some don't even follow consecutive numbering and contain vol3+79 or something.

So: How am I supposed to download those and how am I supposed to teach Readarr how to handle them?

[–] 4 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Yeah, that goes for any data though. The question was more if Immich is really so unstable that it might just shred your images because it had a bad day. And to that I can say: no, it won't. Yet, photos are very important to many people, so they put that warning there.


Hey there, I need the techies among you: I got an Arr stack running on a VPS with lots of storage, but have my Audiobookshelf set up on my regular VPS where it has been running for quite a while now. So I'd like to keep it where it is basically and mount the audiobooks folder from Readarr in the torrent VPS into my other VPS. Since Readarr uses Hard Links and Audiobookshelf streams the files: what would your approach be and which protocol would you use for that?


Hey there, I finally decided to try out Pixelfed and made an account on an Instance close to me (really nice instance-finder imho). Yet, the instance itself is rather small and when I open the global feed, Pixelfed turns into a mastodon-client basically since all it shows are Mastodon-Toots. Also, all "Discover" Features seem to be local only. Is this expected behaviour?


Elon, when do you learn how "paying the bills" works, hm?


Hey there, I thought about starting my own Lemmy instance, yet I'd really like to use my already running MariaDB server for the database. I haven't found anything in the docs (might be me though). Is that possible or will I have to set up Postgresql?

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