
joined 1 year ago
[–] pdxfed@lemmy.world 4 points 3 hours ago

For the most part, defending free speech. It's been watered down to be interpreted as "speech I agree with".

Polarization fed by poor education fed by poverty in the US over the last few decades has left people believing in false dichotomies; if you're not with me you're against me. See it on Lemmy a lot actually, people being nervous when you don't clearly support or agree with them and then get defensive as they assume you must be "the other" group.

We live in a world now where money and scale supporting shitty and /or dangerous ideas hardly make it the traditional town square of ideas though. I have my own internal struggles with it.

[–] pdxfed@lemmy.world 3 points 4 hours ago

Seriously man, it's a good price, and I have a plan setup with Affirm for payments, you can spread it out over at least a year.

"You better hope I can't get no bullets on layaway..."

[–] pdxfed@lemmy.world 2 points 4 hours ago

Building rail transit and high speed rail transit corridors. Development along them, much like with the highway system in the US started in the 50s would take decades to come to fruition, but would allow much more efficient, affordable living for those who don't want to spend their lives in metro traffic hells.

The enormous investment of the US highway act, and incredibly large ongoing cost to maintain the absurd amount of roads is never even brought up but is apparent to anyone not living in the insanity it doesn't have to be this way. Maintenance costs for oems major highway vs. rail is no contest long term.

[–] pdxfed@lemmy.world 3 points 2 days ago

"We know where the are. They're in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat." - Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense while being publicly questioned on the validity of claims of WMDs in lead up to invasion of Iraq.

Rumsfeld of the "known knowns".

[–] pdxfed@lemmy.world 2 points 3 days ago

Thank you for the syntax, I didn't know that. Wish that stuff was in a help box in text entry field or something so it would be quickly accessible so we could all learn it faster.

[–] pdxfed@lemmy.world 2 points 3 days ago (2 children)

u/logos asked the same thing, I answered in the thread.

[–] pdxfed@lemmy.world 11 points 4 days ago

If you're asking in earnest, the last decade has shown for profit corps know no bounds in using technology to extract, poorly protect, and often aggregate and then will make any attempt to monetize possible--often retroactively. While a dishwasher might not have much data in itself to exploit, if your internet connected TV, Car or phone which is constantly scanning for nearby WI-FI items or networks decided to start cataloguing them...well then that would just be a Tuesday for Google, Ford or Sony right?

The more data points, the worse. More breaches, more creepy facts about us floating around in some creepy company or regime's stockpile of data to be used, unilaterally against me. Or maybe the next company to buy the current company I'm happy with. Or the next regime that decides people like me aren't full humans. Between your computer and phone, most people's lives are somewhat laid bare, but add in car tracking which auto companies have stuck their funnel into during the last 5 years, add in appliances, put Wi-Fi if your shower handle...again the people adding Wi-Fi to things like a dishwasher that don't need it have only one thing to gain, monetizing your data and selling it to someone who wants to control you in some way.

[–] pdxfed@lemmy.world 4 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Thank you, the FCC filing is a good idea, if you find something useful that would be great.


Replacing a dishwasher. Most of the mid-range options now come with fucking Wi-Fi. Found a model I liked, no info in manual and support from Samsung was of course, useless since it wasn't already in the manual and wanted to keep talking about their exciting "smart things" app. gag.

I saw a youtube video of a guy disconnecting wifi cable on a fridge. I'm fine doing that if I have to open up the board but it'll probably be smaller than the fridge and who knows if it'll be helpfully labled like the one in the video was. Internet searching showed me there may be oven keypress combinations to turn wi-fi radio on/off. Anyone have anything similar/advice for Samsung appliances, specifically dishwashers?

[–] pdxfed@lemmy.world 2 points 4 days ago

My running pants/spandex material have a stretchy pocket around the center of the back of the waist. I also hate bouncing while running and I never feel the phone when in the pocket. Still easy to grab, maybe a bit more practice to put back in the pocket but just as easy to take out as a regular side pocket.

[–] pdxfed@lemmy.world 8 points 5 days ago (4 children)

They supported Iraq invasion in 2003 without evidence when it clearly wasn't valid.

[–] pdxfed@lemmy.world 12 points 5 days ago (3 children)

I want Elon musk ISP like I want him at my dinner table.


Full bill text: https://sos.oregon.gov/admin/Documents/irr/2024/017text.pdf

TLDR; Oregon corporate tax has a minimum rate of 1%. This ballot measure would raise it to 3% and give $750 to each Oregon resident (including children).

Get ready for an Uber/Lyft level of corporate ads and media spamming to try to sink this common sense bill.


It's strange and unintuitive that my own submitted posts are hidden with this basic feature. Given the slow pace on some communities as Lemmy grows, it gets really repetitive without the ability to filter out read posts. On the other side though, the ability to review my posts and check back on them seems pretty basic as a feature.

Is there a deliberate reason Lemmy functions like this?


X-Post from Uplifting News:

There is no law of economics that says natural changes in demand or technology have to be met with brutal, unanticipated layoffs, that MEANINGFUL retraining can't be offered, or that unemployment payments should be poverty wages.This article shows one country's industry doing the first two at least!

As an American it's always been hard to believe the absolute sloth and lack of investment shown in helping workers retrain. I'm from Oregon, and we still have communities that never recovered from forestry preservation initiatives in the 80s. In laid the groundwork for bitter, powerless, formerly proud souls to be courted by lying politicians. I suppose it shouldn't be surprising given companies want to minimize investment in worker training here while being surprised they can't hire qualified employees 🤔. If only there were solutions...


One of the main reasons employers want to keep healthcare private; enormous leverage against labor, organized or not..


I would assume I'm not insane and this is not deliberate?

Edit; looks like this is Lemmy functionality as it's done in one's profile and also blocks the display online?

Given the slower/lower content, hiding read posts helps keep users engaged on Lemmy, but if I always have to scroll back through posts it's a total turnoff. Understand this is a Lemmy issue and not Boost it would seem, any workarounds for this Reuben?

Just want to hide stuff I've already looked at but still seem my own posts in my profile posts.



I seem to be having a brain fart, have "clicked on posts mark as read" but posts are still showing up. Where is the "hide read posts" option?


Obviously there are many ways different hair types can be worn, combed, braided, cut, etc., but is natural, untouched Black/African decendent or ancestry hair an afro like in the 70s or was that styling? I imagine if it is natural, it's normally like any hair cut shorter to make it easier to manage so that's why one might see many lengths?


I saw the movie on an airplane which is why I'm having trouble remembering it.

A dramatic film that centers around a couple, man and woman, released somewhere between 2007 and 2016 I believe. They don't seem too happy and argue a lot, the man is immature and unhappy. The key thing is that midway through the movie, the man realizes he has control over, or made a wish or something and the woman now agrees with whatever he says and follows his decisions or instructions. The guy loves it at first and then slowly realizes the loss of his partner's free will kills the energy of a relationship and he wishes he had back his girl who could argue with him. The movie ends and he's still unhappy. I don't remember the female role hardly at all, the male actor I believe might have been like a B+/A- actor at that point in his career, I remember thinking I was surprised how good he was. Might have been someone who had done more comedy and tried a serious role?

I've tried scrolling through IMDB for those years looking at top few hundred films released in a year, lists of dramas by year, etc. and have come up empty.

I don't remember many other plot points but appreciate any leads and will answer any questions that might help you help me!

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